Time to Retire the Lie

Again I ask, have you watched the video? 2nd time, doesn’t sound like it. Because LaVoy wasn’t shot getting out of his car.


Just true Americans exercising their rights #bundystandoff

No need to use quotations marks. It’s all true.

We are trying to bring the deplorables into line with the rest of the civilized world.


He wasn’t shot with a gun in his hand either.

ICE Building in San Antonio?

Bull ■■■■■

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NYC says hello…

He was known to be armed. He had written a book that ended with a post-apocalyptic cowboy going down in a blaze of glory against tyrannical law enforcement officials. He had just participated in an illegal armed occupation of a federal building. He plowed through a police checkpoint, sped down a windy winter road, then plowed his truck (with 3 other people in it) into a snowbank. He got out of the truck yelling “you’re gonna have to shoot me” and then multiple times reached for a part of his body where he was known to carry a firearm.

LaVoy Finicum committed suicide by cop. He went out exactly how he wanted to go. It was his choice.

Hey dude.

No one saw a gun. And seeing the gun is the rule.

Only time the police are wrong is when they kill a white woman

Whose rule, other than yours?

THE RULE. You aren’t thinking.

Strike 1. Try again:

Have a nice day.

Sounds like you owe Samm a retraction and apology over his view on Tamir because he’s just applying the Sneaky Rule.

LaVoy made himself into the martyr he fantasized about being. He made the choice to die.

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So nothing you personally have an issue with as long as it’s your side.

I was referring to the latter. Of course we should expect consistency from cops on the front end of these incidents.

These two statements placed side by side highlight the cultural difference that grind the “hands-up” lie.

It highlights the hysteria of “woke-ness”, and the polar opposite responses to that hysteria.

Blacks were all in for Dems before “hands-up” ever happened. It’s just that now you have a new hysteria to justify your political affiliation.

Well, that was a stupid post.

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