Time to Donate to the Trump Campaign

Sheesh, someone makes a comment about the size of Californias economy and then endless (exaggeration) posts trying to disprove it. Typical hannity forum antics.


Easy explanation; some Americans good some bad, like really evil bad.

Not a trillion. :wink:

which side is evil. the one who took showers with his daughter and has a crackhead destitute son or the one who was convicted on “business expenses”?

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Convicted fraud and sexual assaulter is worse clearly but that’s just him not a whole side of anything or anyone, other than him of course.

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Sexual assault of an adult is worse than sexual assault of a child?


How about the one that openly fantasized about his daughters great body on national tv?

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Did Ashley accuse Joe of sexual assault? I haven’t heard that.

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how about father of convicted felon in on the action, sexually assaulting his daughter (with proof unlike with trump)

nah? mind still made up?


does she have to to be sexually assaulted?

inappropriate. but not like standing naked with your daughter in the shower over and over

who cares about that huh? that’s the non-trump guy

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Does she need to?

If you are claiming she was then yes. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t inappropriate. But words mean things.

she claimed it. and it was legit.

who cares huh? as long as it aint trump


I haven’t seen her claim she was sexually assaulted.

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You have no idea what the context was but you assume the worst.

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Not to say Joe did something inappropriate, but to say Joe sexually assaulted her then yes.

Well I think convicted is the operative word.

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I think only a court can make that determination either way and what I think is irrelevant.

On the other hand Trump can treat women as badly as he wants and is worshipped for it. Of course they deserve it in MAGA man’s eyes.