Time to Donate to the Trump Campaign

RNC needs to seek approval from FEC on a case by case basis when using political contributions for legal fees.

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…and you blame Trump and not the corrupt, weaponization of our government judicial system that is doing exactly what it planned…to bankrupt it’s political competition. How can so many of Americans be so blatantly sheoplized like this and so ignorant to the real crimes that are happening?


They crimed with Trump. They stood by him. And the thanks they get is being bankrupted without any help from Trump?

Sounds like a guy I want running the country.

BTW it is a real crime to attempt to steal voter information from voting machines. That is a great example of this voter fraud y’all keep screaming about… but it’s overwhelmingly Republicans who do it.


…and here you are looking the other way, ignoring our corrupt, weaponized government and making excuses for them. When you make excuses for government malfeasance, you’ll end up like California. Do you think your home state is on a good road? If so, keep doing what you’re doing but…promise the rest of the country…you’ll stay there. K? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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The 4th largest economy in the world? We are doing great. :rofl:

I love how Crooked Donald raises $$$ off his compatriots and J6ers being victims of the Deep State, then keeps all the money for himself.

Loyalty. One Way Street.

That is not leadership material. It’s Den of Thieves and Rats in a Sewer material.

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The real crimes are being prosecuted, only the sheopolized are bleating otherwise. The rats and thieves are seeing the consequences of criminal amoral actions, the wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn :purple_heart:

so how much has trump raised to date due to all this silly blatantly political persecution?

over 200M?


Actually, he has stated that as President he would have all of their cases reviewed for reasonableness. That is where their chances are.

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they’re afraid he will do what they do.

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No…California isn’t the 4th…it’s the 5th. You can’t even get that right.

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Ohhh nooo!! 5th!! :rofl:


Not counting unfunded liabilities. Keep telling yourself that.

Like every other state.

…you keep regurgibleating the fed nonsense and I’ll watch any conviction be overturned in an appellate court. I keep forgetting…you’re a Russian collusion, Mueller delusional, BLMer Brandonite…

…who is wrong once again. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Uh, no. Only one state is claiming to be 5tH lArGeSt 'cOnOmy!

And states with far less than the 5th largest economy in the world… have unfounded liabilities.

You won’t be watching anything regarding this case be overturned anywhere.

I will be right about that.

As the figure shows, in addition to the $68 billion budget problem we have identified for 2024-25, the state faces annual operating deficits of around $30 billion per year.

The real question is, is Biden weaponising the government against his own son? It’s all so very confusing.

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