Time to disband FBI and most of CoJ

That’s all ya had to say to begin with…:grin:. Now We can have a conversation…

I’ve always agreed there. Too many chiefs in Washington. Too many heads of departments. Too much over sight.

But I thought that is what draining the Swamp was all about. Isn’t it?

Funny coming from a lib. *Brett Kavanaugh comes to mind.

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There’s plenty of evidence of obstruction. If there’s evidence of Hillary Obama Lynch etc crimes, Barr and Trump’s DoJ would be privy to that.


About that, we had a list somewhere while back.

Yeah, his anti-4th stances could have used a little more scrutiny before confirming him, I agree! There’s plenty of evidence!

Why are you obsessed with Brett Kavanaugh?

Let’s disband the Republican Party. They clearly don’t love our country.


Awe that’s adorable…let me post 5.laighing emojis in your honor

All you had to do was ask nicely.

Over 25 out of the DOJ alone.

tough guy internet.

Oh lighten up lib.

Ummm, i did. I asked what was your solution.

No you didn’t. You started whining about rhymes and riddles.

Post before that is what i was talking about…all you had to do was explain what you meant. Its water under the Bridge. No biggie.

…but barr was brought in by trump, who isn’t a go along to get along guy…so again, why do it?

He knows he will be removed by the next POTUS. So why not follow the law, serve justice, and please voters so trump gets reelected?

They’ll get what’s coming to them. It’s just a matter of time.

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Wow. The flags that would have appeared had a Trump critic said this would rival a NCAAF halftime show.




I would get a TO and maybe a permanent ban for much less than that.


And all you had to do was ask nicely.