Time to disband FBI and most of CoJ

Whoops…I must be on their hit list.

“Threat actors have recently mobilized to violence due to factors such as personal grievances, reactions to current events, and adherence to violent extremist ideologies, including racially or ethnically motivated or anti-government/anti-authority violent extremism,” DHS said.

Well I have news for them…they are authoritarian extremist. We the people need to be monitoring THEM. :rofl:

Fox News did not say that. They reported what a conservative radio talk show host said and what was being said on social media.

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Don’t forget our new national federal legislative branch cops.


Yes, and the $2 billion expansion for the Capitol Police was made possible by the squad who claimed to demand defunding of the police. Police protection for me not for thee.

The Capitol Police killed unarmed protestors on January 6. They should be defunded along with the FBI.


Glenn Greenwald… what happened to that guy?

Anyway… the GOP House members voted against it along pretty much party lines… are they now " Defund the Police"?

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Yes, there was a time when liberals actually opposed fascist oppression.

Greenwald continues to do that. What is with this guy?

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Sure he does.

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Yes, many Democrats used to oppose wars and wasteful military spending, but now even the “anti-war” squad voted for the $40 billion aid package to Ukraine. There is no requirement for accounting for the spending. There are no restrictions on funding Azov Battalion and other fascist paramilitary groups. Much of the money will go to the CIA.

War mongers and fascists are now in complete control over the Democratic Party. Greenwald is simply consistent with views that were common among Democrats during the Bush years.

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I hope this spotlights the FBI and how they’re no longer working for “we the people”. They now have their own corrupt, political agenda and have evolved into a weapon being used by the Democrat party.



Meanwhile Michigan gubernatorial candidate, Ryan Kelley was arrested by corrupt ■■■■■■■ FBI other day on misdemeanor charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021 protest outside of capital building.

How convenient.

more proof that FBI is embedded with democrat party.

Time to disband democrats Stasi.


He was a bad boy on Jan 6th.

The FBI has arrested a LOT of people for what they did on that date.

What did he do?

You do understand how FBI and CoJ is being used don’t YOU?

Fascists. The gall.


While the victim hood is ridiculous these charges are stupid. Something else better come out

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The FBI sent 15 agents to investigate at braded rope handle at a NASCAR race. There were more government informants than defendants at the Whitmer kidnapping trial, and they launched a campaign to surveille and harass parents who speak out at school board meetings.

On the other hand, the FBI is slow walking an investigation of the recent attack on pro-life clinics, and they have made no attempt to enforce federal laws against harassing judges at their homes. They clearly no interest in protecting the pro-life groups or the pro-life justices.

The FBI’s inaction amounts to complicity in the campaign to intimidate and threaten the Supreme Court into submission. The biggest threat to the American freedom and democracy is the FBI and its allies.


None of that is fascism. The FBI should have been disbanded the moment Hoover died.

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I see others are getting on board to what’ve been saying for years.

FBI and CoJ has become direct threat to our Republic.


Chuck Grassley has concerns?

Never mind the fact that the first paragraph in the concerned article covers Hunter Biden… not Joe.

“They didn’t let us use our October surprise!!” Stomps feet and calls it interference.