Time’s person of the year…

I was born in Hollywood. It was more “modern” than modern Hollywood today.

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My grandfather once told me Hollywood died when the head of GE took over MGM. “What the hell does a refrigerator man know about making pictures?”

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It went from art focused to business focused.

What a joke! A woke lib political pick obviously. :face_vomiting:

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She is political. Campaigned against Marsha Blackburn and other TN GOP members.

I think that was a one time thing. She is not a committed leftist. Hope I’m right.

She has campaigned for tn dems since.

I’m actually shocked they didn’t give it Dylan Mulvaney, or any of the other mentally disturbed individuals thinking they are a woman

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They were considering it, but Anheuser-Busch lobbied against it. :wink:


Would be nice to see how much of that Billion she donated to Veterans or St. Jude/Shriners.
Do these people EVER ‘pay their fair share’?

Its the intentions that count.

Did you pay attention to the massive donations she made in every community she played in?


"Most recently, Swift reportedly donated $1 million to the Tennessee Emergency Response Fund this week following the deadly tornadoes that swept through several counties in the state. "

"Swift has been a longtime supporter of the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the museum’s Taylor Swift Education Center. It offers a variety of programs for students and visitors of all ages – serving more than 200,000 people this year alone.

“The Center was made possible by Taylor’s landmark gift to the museum as part of its capital campaign, which allowed the museum to nearly double its size,” the non-profit said in a written statement. “That she had the foresight to invest in the institution’s service capacity as a 23-year-old is remarkable, and her gift helped the museum expand its educational and community offerings significantly.”

" Swift has recently teamed up with the Academy of Country Music (ACM) to donate $50,000 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Every year the Entertainer of the Year, which is currently Swift, chooses a charity to donate to and the ACM doubles the amount chosen."

They’ll just blame her for Swatting next.

Oh no I don’t know what this means but it’s probably good for a chuckle.

So…1 Million.
How much of that Billion she made in one shot she donated to someone who wasn’t ‘a community she performed in’.

Personally, I think this line of questioning is unhealthy.

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Did you know she handed out huge bonuses to everyone who worked on her tour? Including $100,000 to each truck driver that was driving all the equipment across the country from one city to the next?

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