Time’s person of the year…

She made a Billion in one shot and you’re praising 100 000 bonus…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

50 truck drivers, $100,000 bonus each = $5,000,000

but we get it, no amount of charity she gives will be good enough since young-successful-woman-who-encourages-young-people-to-register-to-vote really upsets some insecure conservatives.


You think that tour was the result of “a single shot”?

Great! I can count on you supporting taxing the rich!

She is worth a billion, not “made a billion in one shot.”

She is also one of the most generous philanthropists in the entertainment world.

And on top of it all, she is a self-made capitalist.

She certainly is more generous than a lot of celebrities. Have to give her credit for that.

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5 million vs. 1 Billion in ONE shot only…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it’s easy to be outraged when you ignore all the good she does with her money, a lot of it has been pointed out here.

stay insecure.


I would like to see all of you ask:
How much did she and all those that went to concerts and also sports events, GAVE to Veterans in donations.
Billions are spent on those events…I don’t believe Americans are relay a ‘very generous nation’.
How much was donated to Veterans?
How much to American Indians?
How much to St. Jude and Shriners?
And how much was “donated” to sports and concerts while sitting on a couch drinking beer.
Because of the stupid she made a Billion while vets sleep under the bridge.
Halooooooooo… :astonished: :upside_down_face:

she does a lot with her money.

How much have you given?


Not as much as you did…
I don’t donate to 2 of your likely choices, TV and the toilet.

You’re a funny lady. You should take it on the road.

If you don’t mind me making the suggestion, that is. :wink:

Seriously, Taylor Swift is not only extraordinarily successful at what she does, she is also known for her great generosity to people less fortunate than she. So I repeat … How much have you given?

Perhaps if you placed more attention on your own place in the struggle of humanity, you wouldn’t be so critical of hers.

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So now you have moved the goalposts from how much she donated to what she donated to.

Why not.
We are talking about a “Person of the year”.
IMHO a tittle like it goes to some extraordinary person with extraordinary acheivements.
The fact she raked in money because of American adiction to fame, [sports and Hollywood], is not an extraordinary deed.

So… yes…
I’d like to know if she donated 10-20 % of her windfall to worty causes aside from her ability to find enough idiots to donate to HER a Billion.

If she is someone who shares her wealth with vets and children in need then yes, kudos to her.
So far I read here she gave 5 Million to her EMPLOYEES as a bonus which is not a donation, it’s a customary thing to do when you have a good year.

So…yes…I ASKED.
I, most certainly, DID NOT go there so that some low life here, read back a little, would ask ME, and give ME the stage, to bragg about how much I donate.

She shares her wealth. It’s been pointed out to you several times.

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What is a worthy cause for you might not be the same for Swift. There may be charities she is passionate about because of things that have happened to her of her family and friends.

As for her being Time Person of The Year. It is the magazine editors that select who has had most influence on the world in the previous year. That influence could be for good, bad of any other reason.

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Lest we forget that both Hitler and Henry Kissinger are both old alumni of the award.

I’ll freely admit that I was a bit rough on the girl earlier. I really despise her music but she seems like a nice enough person.

Whereas I’m a fan of Roger Waters and that guy is a socialist anti-American piece of ■■■■■ So really my opinion isn’t worth anything in this case anyway.

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