Thug Culture State of Mind

Almost the entire MSM winked, said it was “mostly peaceful”, while their local politicians did very little to stop it and labeled it a “summer of love”. It’s much, much, much larger.

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They weren’t approving of it. Stop

They are murdering synagogue attendees. They are a bit of a boogeyman for sure. They are a lot less prevalent than the left makes them out to be. I agree there.

Oh…I knooooooooow…riiiiiiiiiiiite? They NEVER called for “defunding the police”. Now listen to yourself and just “stop”.

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You are all over the place. They weren’t approving rioting and looting

There was certainly a contingent of people that was. It wasn’t some large group though as the poster to whom i responded made it seem

Allow me to quote the lib mantra, "silence…is violence…remember?

Again all over the place. I understand why

I’m very specific which is why you are choosing to ignore the truth. Lies don’t neutralize it.

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You are specifically all over the place. You really really want an enemy to rail against. They exist but not in any large numbers. It’s ok though. Let the railing continue

If the leftist government starts looking into the courses we took in college, they will find I aced courses in tensor analysis and nonlinear differential equations. They will probably declare me a white supremacist of the highest order. (and - OMG - if they find out I can diagram sentences and can recite all the auxiliary verbs … it’ll be koitins for me.)

Maybe my salvation will be that I’m divorced.

The MSM has proven themselves to be an enemy of the people. Oh…I said it again. So much for all over the place.

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There it is. Enemy!!! Evil!! Keep on trucking

Go read some Andy Ngo

Teddy bear needs a nap.

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Muslim terrorist … not white supremacist.

Here I was, thinking you would point out what you thought I should have remembered. Because then I might see how it relates to your initial point to which I responded.

Wrong synagogue.

…and sheople do not realize they’re being sheoplized, otherwise, they wouldn’t be sheople?

Right and you say this as an avid fan of a man with an agenda and that agenda isn’t opening your eyes.

The part about progressing in steps. When veterans were “targeted” the cries of they are going to call anyone a white supremacists or terrorist were rampant. Of course none of that happened. Same thing will happen here. This will die down and then we will move on to the next accusation.

You just described two steps.