Thug Culture State of Mind

On a staircase to nowhere.

Once again, you’re spouting nonsense. There are many, many aspects I find appalling and say so…loudly…but what I agree with are the problems chosen to be addressed and the outcomes from doing so. Why do you so often let your feelings lead your posts?

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Your filtered opinion is noted.

I am not talking about Trump. We weren’t discussing politics. We were discussing media. I am talking about Andy Ngo.

Thank you for taking the time.

Really? :rofl: K…carry on. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Really really. Enjoy the nom nom.

By the way he is not a teddy bear. He is a Russian cartoon character of unknown origin :joy:


OMG…step away from the keyboard. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Never! :grin:

Somebody has to make the rules, build the system, define success.

Sure. That’s what supreme means. That’s not the goal of white supremacy though.

That’s not exactly true. I remember very well what you are talking about.

I believe it is. Of course those groups will take it to extremes.

So you are going back to 2018 or earlier and I don’t get to reference the most recent attack?

That is beyond honest dispute really. Alinskyites in the MSM. Socialists.

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The Democrats and much of the media are now those that HUAC was justly convened to keep from power and influence.

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Yes i didn’t say the terror attacks were frequent.

Which is neither here nor there, as the FIB … sorry FBI … is going out of its way to downplay the actual cause for the recent event while trying to attach others to be responsible.

This is nothing new with the liars in our government, who for example through successive editions of the Ft Hood shooting report scrubbed mention of Islam as much as they could.

“White Supremacist” are a mole hill next to the mountain of Leftwing nitwits that the government has been turning a blind eye to for roughly the last 6 years now.


Nope, semantics. Actually, worse than that. Nobody suggested “the largest threat overall.”