Thug Culture State of Mind

Key point.

Key point.

Well, that is the problem, maybe?

There is a line between discipline that is productive and abuse.

Why is it that your lines seem to be so blurred?

You missed follow through. :wink:

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They donā€™t seem blurred to me.

I am personally against hitting children, but as a child who was occasionally spanked Iā€™m also of the opinion that if a parent chooses to spank their kid that it wonā€™t be detrimental in their upbringing assuming of course, what yā€™all have outlined above, that its not done in anger and that the child knows before they misbehave that it will be the punishment, and I would add that it be infrequent (and frankly if it is frequent, that probably means its not effective). I draw the line though at using actual tools/weapons. That I believe is wrong.

Your hand is fineā€¦until about the second grade. As they grow, so does the level of punishment. Then one day, the belt is no longer needed and then itā€™s lost privileges. Theyā€™ve matured where that form of punishment has more impact to help change their undesired behavior.

So you still donā€™t understand the difference between hitting and spanking?

OMG, Smyrna

I so agree. I never used a belt. Just a swat on the bottom.

Now, fast forward.

I did the time out thing. I wound up with army guys carved into the leg chairs having wars. Pew, pew.

I had to leave the room because I was supposed to serious about time out but as I examined the art work I couldnā€™t help but try to cover my laughter.


Spanking is just hitting with an open palm on the bum.

You can use loss of privileges as soon as they understand the concept of privileges. No weapons needed.

ā€¦and I wish you well in the raising of your children.

Whoops these were not a peaceful church group.

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Garbage culture

Trash culture

You betcha. Pure garbage. Should be hung.


ā– ā– ā– ā–  those people who abuse children, hand them over to the Taliban.

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No manā€¦this piece of ā– ā– ā– ā–  is that absolute bottom and hopefully, those heā€™s incarcerated with will hear what he was convicted of?

ChoMo in prison. Heā€™s done.

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Speaking of toxic femininity.


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Human garbage