Thug Culture State of Mind

Three POC beat an unarmed white male to death after waiting for him to leave the store. And apparently they whooped it up as they beat him and stomped his prone, unconscious body. The beating only stopped when a good guy with a gun intervened, then the thugs exited the scene.

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And at Christmas…

The thugs should have to exit this world after being convicted.

Don’t know about everyone else but i’m past being sick of thug behavior.

Too bad the victim wasn’t carrying.

Read this, not a lot of details, apparently the girls are tourists to NYC from Latin America. Not a lot of details about the perp. Has apparently been charged with a racial/ethnic crime enhancement.

More news on this released. The perp is an African American male, with a history of violent and erratic behavior, who screamed “I want all white people dead,” as he stabbed the two girls.

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Sounds fair.

If all white people were dead who then would he turn his anger and hatred on?

This is a testament to the reality that race motivated, emotionally crippled bigots come in all flavors. Contrary to a common excuse bantered about, the color of his skin didn’t prevent him from being a violent racist. And the reason for that is that the color of his skin doesn’t make him do anything, or predetermine his motivations. It was the content of his character, reacting to the skin color of others, that provided motivation, allowing others to know him for the bigot he is.


Contrary to popular belief: the answer is “white people”

Every generation that nurses this hatred grows it a bit more. Till it even becomes undying … mileage may vary.

We live rent free in his noggin.

The only cure is in Christ.

Prime example of why I carry when we go to Columbus, have had a few hairy times when I got to the point of considering my options. Worst one was when we took the grandkids to COSI which is a science museum, and when we were heading to the car 3 young guys were following and making comments. Told my wife to take the kids and get in the car and start it, when I turned to face the 3, they stopped and turned away. They saw I was not intimidated, didn’t have to pull but was VERY close to it.


They were looking for prey. Prey doesn’t turn and confront.

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What were their comments?

Reminds me of a funny story from a fellow i used to work with. The fellow went to Detroit to visit his daughter and these 3 young thugs came up to him pull knives and said hand it over Pops.

He asked what are you talking about? They said you know what we want Pops hand it over.

He said no i don’t know what you want so the leader of the thugs said we want your billfold hand it over Pops.

My friend said you are going to be something you have never been before. The thugs says what is that Pops.

He tells them you are about to be dead. You’ve never been dead before have you? He moved his hand just enough from his coat pocket to reveal the handle of a gun.

The punk looked around to see what his friends were doing and they were already running. So he joined them. :smile:

One that sticks out, and got my attention was “awww what a cute family”, 3 teenage guys typically don’t make a comment like that. I noticed them as we walked to the car, they were walking close together, when I turned around they had spread out, another non typical move.

Also this museum is not in the best part of town. It is built on the site of Central High School on the bank of the Scioto River in the part of town commonly known as “The Bottoms”. It is called that because of the big flood in I THINK the 50’s, it is also an area of low income and high crime. Recently though with the floodwall some parts of this area is in the midst of a rebuild since it is next to Downtown. My parents grew up there and I spent most of my childhood attending church and stuff in the area.

Sure sounds like they were trying to get courage up, while determining if you were prey, or not.


I totally believe that thugs used the word “billfold”.


Even thugs have elderly uncles.

A Houston rapper allegedly held a woman captive in his garage for years