Thug Culture State of Mind

Video and encourage people to loot. An “influencer” influencing others to thug behavior.

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Having posted that, though, I’m not so sure arrest was the right thing here. Was videoing an event a crime? How about cheering for it?

I could see social media platforms shutting off her feed. Banning her. They’ve done so for far less coming from other “influencers”.

But certainly her actions and “influence” were thuggish.

If that’s all they have on her, she’ll get off. Videoing and cheering for criminals is not a crime.

Being as it is Fla maybe they will catch the punk and actually prosecute him.


A one way trip to see the sights out in the desert should be in order.

A thug used to getting his way.

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Jonathan Lewis died at the hospital in Vegas. He was beaten/attacked at Rancho High School by about 15 pack animals.

We all know what would happen if roles were reversed don’t we?


Country is failing.

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It appears the attackers were all black and the victim was white? If this racial construct was reversed, it would surely be prosecuted as a horrendous, hate crime and subject to additional charges? It won’t be treated…different, will it?


That’s worse than mere thuggery.

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The lighter side of thuggishness…

Sure, what ever the discount was on the item, take the same percentage off the maximum sentence, with no early release, and no probation. And take time served out of the discount.

bAn GuNz!

:rofl: The balls on these people.

Well, that makes more sense than BLM saying that they deserve whatever they steal because it’s reparations for slavery.

Well, yeah. BLM is also famous for not waiting for there to be a sale…


3 thugs beat a man to death because they just wanted fun.

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