Those who try to ruin Trump

Why? Because he asked to have the person who failed in a civil suit pay his attorney fee’s and the judge agreed?

happens every single day in courts all over the country. In a civil suit, you had better be prepared to pay if you lose.

Whoa. :wink: Read the OP again

Ah, look at the Trump supporter proudly supporting the President signing legislation that not only funded Planned Parenthood, but over-funded their requests. And then decrying others for supporting abortion. Such principled ideolo…oh wait. :flushed:


About every other word that comes out of your queen Nancy’s mouth is morals. :rofl:

Really? About every other word? Or, is it possible that this is a gross exaggeration?

My Queen Nancy? I’ve likely been a conservative longer than you’ve been alive Trumper. :rofl:

But be proud of supporting the Planned Parenthood President. Triple P. Very fitting.

Congratulations! Rejoice! You’ll forever be associated with the morality of Donald Trump. I’m sure that gives you warm fuzzies. I’m proud of you, anyway.


doing gods work? That’s truly what you think is going on? Individual 1 is doing Individual 1’s work…only!

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See, God is working through Donald’s immorality and base nature to effect Great Works upon America. We must only persevere, see the course through these dark and ungodly times and through Donald the Lord will bestow unto America the status of a New Jerusalem.

But before He can lance society’s boil He must allow it to fester. :whale2:

He does?

Honest question - was this made official? I know he said during the campaign he would.

We were told Hillary is our queen. We cannot have two queens. That’s lesbianism.

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I tried to reply to the OP but the wiki is open…so - Trump sleeping with porn stars while his wife is pregnant is the lord’s work?

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Trump’s stupidity will be the down fall of Trump, oh and the fact his dad is dead and cannot bail him out anymore.

There is only two sides and you’ve made your choice. Sweet moral Nancy is all yours.

2006 was a long time ago. A lot can happen.

You can still reply. Click on the arrow.

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Yes. I’m sure he became godly. Or at least he’s hiding his affairs better.

Bwahahahahaha. :rofl:

Guess again Trumper.

Why aren’t you proud of your decision to push all in for Donald Trump of all people? You sold out everything you pretended to care about and hold dear for him. Own it girl. He is you and you are he and you are all together. Forever. Long after his stain is gone from our collective memories, our knowledge of you representing his morality, ethics, and integrity will persist. Be proud! Celebrate.

Woo Hoo! Donald Trump!!!


He’s not looking for his morals while he’s pawing through random silicone breasts.

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Getting a little intense there. Sounds a lot like the talk before the Civil War. I highly encourage turning the radio and tv off and going for a walk enjoying a cocoa stirred with a candy cane.


Do you think threatening me with Donald Trump is really doing something big? Are you that dense?