Those who try to ruin Trump

That makes no sense. How can someone “threaten” you with donald trump?

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This is what blows my minds about his defenders. There were many republican candidates and you chose the absolute worse to hitch your wagon to… ok that’s was pre-felony charges… so all he was…was a habitual liar and adulterer.

But now we KNOW he has been name as an “in indicted co-conspirator” in at least 2 felonies…

Why are Trumpers still supporting him at this point?! Literally any republican candidates would have given them justices…

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You take that as a threat? Damn you guys are snowflakes.

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Why are they supporting him? He’s doing the Lord’s work!

Trump is a threat to their conservative values… they had to drop them… because judges and liberal tears.

Now they aren’t sure they can get them back…

That’s hilarious. The person fantasizing about a second civil war where their side has all of the guns is accusing someone else of a threat because that applauded your decision to be a Trumper? We’ve entered the looking glass here folks. :rofl:


I imagine they never had them to begin with, if they so easily shoved them aside for Trump.

Thanks, but I’m enjoying being snowed in. :partying_face:

I’ve read 10 books, baked and cooked … tra la la!

I would put funding planed parenthood on the party that wanted to shut down government because planed parenthood wasn’t going to get funded. So like everyone who says they want compromise Trump gave the left planed parenthood and he got military funding.

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I’m sorry but Republicans did nothing to stop Obama let alone take him down.

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Ask Nebbie.

Who is Nebbie? You’re the one who feels threatened? Tell us what happened. We care.

Neil Goursch agrees with your post.


Ah. Trump had no choice huh? Sound about right. No choice. Had to do it. Too weak and ineffectual and incapable and spineless and a poor negotiator and horrible at leading people to get it done. A pillar of horribleness. And the epitome of failure and victimization. Always someone else to blame. Always someone else’s fault. The buck stops WAAAAAAAY over there with him.


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Why would people go to war for a habitual liar?

Are you mixed up with your threads?

Don’t you want our two parties to compromise with the other side. Isn’t that what Regan did with the left? Isn’t that what Clinton did with the right? Isn’t that part of the problem with our two parties right now, the believe that if one side doesn’t get all they want than they won’t do anything?
I believe that the no compromise stance of each side is why we have such bad bills coming out of Washington. The United States is about split 1/3 left. 1/3 right and the rest could give a darn. So, in my view any legislation coming out of Washington needs to be a compromise.

So you just went from blaming one party over the funding of PP to a call for bipartisanship? Excuse me but I’ve got a mild case of whiplash right now.

We were lower than Clinton and Trump both 60 years ago. JFK, the ultimate sleaze bag.

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No you were blaming Trump for the shut down and that is wrong. The left shut down the government over several things and one of them was planned parenthood. So, what the right did was compromise to get what they wanted and Trump agreed to the compromise by signing the bill.
There are a lot of things you can blame Trump for but that shut down was the left saying we want this and this or we won’t vote for anything. So, the compromise for funding the military was giving the left what they wanted.

Granted Trump could have rejected the bill but he signed the compromise. Me, I thought we gave to much but I don’t always get what I want.

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