This will please the Trump bots

Maybe we should have a plan beyond just cutting aid people rely on. “For better or worse” sounds like a terrible idea when you’re talking about people’s lives and the stability of our closest ally in the middle east.

They demand a right of return.

They don’t actually have one.

Certainly not after the first suicide bomber or rocket.

If the Palestinian government collapses, and all-out war takes place, Israel would easily win such a conflict. That will help pave the way towards Israel’s legitimate claim of all the “disputed” land. Some people would say that this would be in Israel’s best interests.

Yes, I realize that wiping out the Palestinians is a goal for some, but I’m not one of those people. I still hope for a peaceful solution.

Perhaps the Palestinian government should collapse.

Our aid is not providing stability to the region; it is like thinking a band-aid will cure gangrene.

If our aid, for instance, is being used to foster hatred for America and Israel via funding through the educational system, then it is counterproductive. If the food that is being purchased is used to feed terrorists who would kill Israelis, then it is counterproductive.

We do. It is basically, knock it off or you won’t receive aid.

I think everyone hopes for a peaceful solution. Sometimes, a little bit of “tough love” can go a long way to achieving that goal.

None. Israel is an ally. Palestinians are not.

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This is easy for you to say from your couch in the United States. Such a collapse would cause much suffering and would destabilize the region, including Israel, our ally.

What do you base this on?

Maybe the Arabs of the 60s should not have tried to destroy Israel in the 60s. They would still have their land and their autonomy.

They lost. Their aggression failed. And now Libs want to role back history as though those aggressions and conflicts never happened.

For those who have been taught that Israel oppresses the Palestinians, please explain why Egyot closes their border with Gaza.

Collapse of the Palestinian government would give the radical elements of their society free reign, Israel would have to use military force to put them down, chaos and suffering would ensue. History repeats itself.

Okay, and then what? I am not trying to be snarky. If the radical elements are exposed and Israel puts them down can then the two not find peace?

Also, they should have taken in the folks that listened to them, who thought they could come back once the Jews were gone. Instead the Muslim world kept these people where they are to used them as political pawns.

Frankly, in light of the actual history and not the wishy washy PC version I support a right to leave to their old allies territories and complete the departure begun so long ago now.

Perhaps. But I don’t see warfare as the only path to peace. A prosperous, more modern society would eliminate their own radical elements, but cutting off aid won’t help them get there.

They have had all of the opportunity to make themselves a prosperous, more modern society. So, why don’t they choose this path?

The aid arguably allows the radical elements to survive, giving the leadership a way to cultivate resentment and grievances as a political tool for its own power. Forget the idea of moderates among the PA, the whole thing is set up to pursue its own power and with that the eventual elimination of Israel. Moderation with the PA is a political play, not to internal power or electability, but to external powers with deep pockets they want to access.

Here’s where the rubber meets the road: Israel actually could push the PA into the sea but doesn’t while the PA would dearly love to destroy Israel, its in their charter, but can’t. And even then they encourage whatever harm that can be inflicted through petty assaults by their people. They have heroically attacked such hardened targets as weddings, cafes and the dreaded commuter bus. Or at least they did till the wall was built. It is amazing that Israel has been so even handed with them as they have.

I don’t think this thread has gone the way OP was expecting. Libs can’t seem to answer simple question or use any logic in their response.

Israel’s a big country. Pretty sure they can take care of themselves. That money would be better spent fixing OUR OWN problems.