This sounds a lot like bribery

Funny how you edited my post to remove the point that preemptively addresses your post above.

Yes, a fund to provide loans to MINORITIES! IOW, if your African American, here’s some nice money to help you, (based on race) and remember on election day: THOSE RACIST REPUBLICANS DIDN’T WANT YOU TO HAVE THIS NICE MONEY!!!

There is nothing to document. Because it won’t happen. Blacks in the U.S, have the highest standard of living in the world. They can go as far as their talents and drive take them. Nobody owes them anything. It’s a scam. it won’t happen.

Aren’t all campaign promises, of any type, effectively bribes? :thinking:

Only if somebody is offered money that they didn’t earn.

Congratulations. You can read.

A bribe is usually considered something of value, it can be more than cash money.

:lying_face: Where did you here that?

Anything more than that…like who said it.

Ok, so it was more like general comic relief. I get it.

From my West African co-workers who believe they have died and gone to heaven. Anybody in this country who prepares for life will succeed if they try.

That hardly counts as a legitimate source for ‘‘Blacks in the U.S. have the highest standard of living in the world.’’

As if they’ve witnessed the living conditions of blacks the world over.

Virtually zero blacks are leaving the U.S. for better conditions over seas. But millions of blacks over seas are trying like hell to get here. How do you explain that?

When I lived in Europe I met US blacks that had moved there for what they considered a better life.

Tina Turner mover to Switzerland and became a Swiss citizen.

Looks like that foots all the way up to your knee.

Leave it to Republicans to think that working for freedom and equality for people of all stripes means you’re “bribing” them.

Pathetic post. D-

Nope. I would bet there are over 1000 blacks trying to get in for every one leaving. And Tina Turner left America because she couldn’t make a living here. :laughing: And the American blacks that you spoke to in Europe were sent there by their employers. My statement is true. Millions are trying to get in, very few if any wanting to leave.

It’s NOT for free stuff… Definitely not the free stuff.

Giving people money that they did not earn is not equality. It’s theft. Leave it to a democrat to support theft.

Pathetic post.

And by “working for freedom and equality” you mean confiscating and redistributing…

Yes, that is true.

But, ‘‘Virtually zero blacks are leaving the U.S. for better conditions over seas…’’ is not.
And you cant admit it, sad.