This is your gop folks

I didnt…always a victim…

The word “assuming” is difficult to understand so…take the rest…light your hair on fire and…be lib. :sunglasses:


Very true.


You just did.


You did…always a gaslighter.

I said Maxine wasn’t specifically racist but you assumed that anyway.

Light his hair on fire with gas. :wink:

I didn’t see that. Good for them!!! They can tell people like that to pound sand now. :rofl:

I don’t buy the racist accusation even for a millisecond. As for not respecting the chair i don’t blame him.

Indisputably Farage is a racist.

Not buying it.


America must have been castrated.


Lets see, I shop at walmart, am prolife, do not like big brother, an anti communist, believe in the American dream for legal residents and citizens, pro oil and gas, support women and minority jobs, like my money. support Israel and the christan community (although i am a sinner), and like borders, walls, fences.
Anything wrong with that?


Problem is, here is something closer to reality.

Looks like they messed up the party’s slogans. Probably easy to mix them up. Should be:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Peace through strength seems to be a mishmash of slogans 1 and 3. Hopefully they’ll correct that.

It is your opinion. It is rather amusing

We shall see

Trump wins again. Snowflake meltdown 2download (1)