This is your gop folks

Florida Republican released a statement on Trump’s impeachment trial mid-day Friday, shortly after Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) indicated she would vote against calling witnesses to testify, paving the way for Republicans to potentially end the trial with an acquittal of the president.

“Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a president from office,” Rubio said.

Rubio wrote that even assuming the allegations that Trump attempted to bribe the Ukrainian government by withholding military aid and demanding officials launch an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden are true, the impact of removing the president would harm the nation because removal is not supported by most Americans.

So hes guilty of an impeachable crime but he doesnt want to lol. Isnt that special

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thats rubio. not gop

Voters will try, convict, and sentence President Trump to 4 more years of servitude this November.

Patience. :wink:


I actually don’t really disagree. I’ll tell you what i have more respect for those like Lamar Alexander, who are being honest and saying (Paraphrasing) “He did it. The evidence is overwhelming. I dont need a witness to tell me what has already been proven. I just don’t think he should be removed from office over it” vs the people like Rand Paul screaming "Its all fake! There is no proof! " and crap like that.


They det a very bad precedent here. But when the pendulum goes the other way.

I’m sure Rubio would be fine with president Sanders pressuring Israel and holding up congressional military aid to Israel until they open an investigation into Kushner and Trump.

I am loving watching the hypocrisy on display.

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Nope that’s the gop…own it

Profiles in courage.


:rofl: nice

do dems own racist idiot maxine waters? how about AO “dumb as rock” C?


sorry. love that one


It’s not just him. They’ve almost all said the same thing. They dont care what the truth is or what evidence you have. Unless it was a stain on a dress of course. Face it hes guilty as hell

Was pretty obvious the GOP would shift from “Fake news!” to “So what?” early on.

Shrug Trumpism’s takeover of the GOP is complete. Conservatism didn’t even whimper.


yeah well you’re describing the dems of course. which is why you are attempting to flip the narrative on R. sorry i’m aware.


He said it in a ■■■■■■■ press release lol. C’mon that’s pretty bad

Rubio basically admitting that Trump supporters are irrational and wouldn’t even care if an actual impeachable offense occurred. But hey Don Lemon laughed at them


Lol…racist maxine…holy crap that’s dumb.

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And I guess YOUR DNC is a bastion of honor and integrity. Nothing but Angels led by Saint Shifty. :laughing:


“If you see them in a department store…you make a scene, you tell them they are not welcome.” - Maxine Waters

Maxine may not be specifically racist but she does show bigotry and prejudice against those who are not like her.


As does just about everyone who engages in partisan politics.

No. He is not guilty of an impeachable crime.

Rubio said he was assuming. :roll_eyes: