This is what Americans see

They certainly would if anything interrupts the constant flow of agricultural imports.

China can’t even begin to feed a fraction of it’s own population.

It CAN feed more than a fraction of it’s people, but you’re right, it needs imports to keep up necessary quantity and quality.

No it can’t. If the flow of agricultural imports is cut off the entire nation would be on starvation rations in a week in an attempt to stave off disaster.

Why would the world care about the decay and collapse of our industrial cities? That’s not where the money is anymore.

It’s not? Tell that to India and China.

Link to that.

Yeah, the Communists Party is all heart, feeding its population and all. Quite impressive.

I mean, if you’re going by historical precedent, the most likely thing that’s going to happen is there will be a civil war between the coast and the interior and then China will return to isolationism, which is what has happened every single time its opened itself to Western trade.

I’m trying to remember what political faction vociferously opposes government infrastructure spending.

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They are importing over 10bn dollars worth of agricultural commodities a month. They can’t even begin to provide a minimal protein supply without them.

Huh? Downtown St. Louis is being revitalized and is quite beautiful, with a lot of work on the horizon to improve it even more. Have you even stepped foot in my state, let alone in the city you are lambasting?

While neither city was in as dire straits as Detroit, both Missouri metropoli became shadows of their former selves, many of their grand buildings abused or disused, their once vibrant neighborhoods gradually slipping into urban decay.

But a funny thing happened along the road to the future: over the past decade, both St. Louis and Kansas City have revitalized and reinvented themselves as dynamic 21st-century cities. And they did it in the same way that they became global icons a century ago – by fully embracing innovation and molding it to local advantage.


And this is not a lib versus anyone else thing. This is basic knowledge versus uninformed garbage being spewed by someone who does not know what they are talking about.

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It’s not. Ask London and New York.

My city’s also on the super come-up and at one point we were the exemplar of Rust Belt decay. Now we’re the hippest city in the country. Life is weird.

It couldn’t possibly be because American cars sucked. No we just have to have protectionism.

I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. China, now, has plenty of foreign reserves to import food stuffs( and does). You should stop thinking China is Game of Thrones and come back to reality.

The way some people speak about many cities, states, and countries on this board, I get the distinct impression they haven’t been anywhere far from where they grew up or at most once visited someplace 40 years ago.

It’s quite bizarre.

If I had to guess who’d make a post praising authoritarian central planning vs free market capitalism, I’d pick you every time.

It’s not complicated. That’s what has happened every single time they’ve done this since the Middle Kingdom.

KC is great looking these days.

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Lots of cities are being revitalized. Millennials are big on urbanization.