This is what Americans see


It’s all very cyclical it seems. I will freely admit that both St. Louis and KC were in pretty dire straits for many years, but that time has since past. It seems “some” don’t keep themselves abreast of current events before popping off though.

Kansas city is actually a pleasure to walk around downtown. so many good bbq joints and fair amount of parks right next to the river.

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I mean, I certainly have my issues with gentrification and in a lot of cases it’s simply forcing the poverty into the inner ring suburbs but on the other hand I live in the inner city soooo

Things are really different if you haven’t heard. Stop watching Game of Thrones.

Pittsburgh. This city was flat out dying as recently as 2005-ish.

I was just there this past weekend and could not agree more. And they too are continuously improving.

It’s not “prime real estate” if no one wants it.

Cant tell ■■■■ from that link, it’s a pay wall.

Ah…that’s right. The last decade has seen a lot of bigger US cities make strong comebacks. Pittsburgh is definitely among them as well! I love it there, although have not been in about 3 years or so.

Detroit has brick buildings downtown? So Conan says America should feel Shame?

Shanghai has more cranes than detroit? Duh? It’s one of the 10 largest on the planet. You want cranes? Look at Miami, NYC, Austin-San Antonio…

OP just seems to hate America for sillier and sillier reasons lately.


Yeah, China being run by a brutal authoritarian clique of leaders for life who attempt to centrally control every aspect of a ridiculously vast nation through bureaucracy and viciously repress any dissent, that’s totally historically unprecedented.

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He’s little more than a troll anymore. As evidenced by his posts and threads he has been starting. It started really becoming noticeable during the election, but once we moved to this new format, he fully unleashed it on us all. I rarely even bother responding to him anymore. But when he called out my State, I needed to correct the record.

Everyone is just getting on my page. The suburbs are wack.

As a big fan of rural life, I will agree and disagree at the same time. I’m not a fan of either the 'burbs or the hustle and bustle of downtown big city America. But were I younger, I could definitely see the attractiveness of it.

If China’s costal regions go to war with it’s interion regions the whole world will going to hell in a hand basket. And why don’t you just admit you made a mistake and move on.

Crane porn.


Construction cranes dot Austin’s skyline, helping erect towers that will become hotels, offices, condos, apartments and more over the next several years.

Currently, there are about a dozen of them at work in downtown Austin.

What mistake? Everything I’ve said is easily confirmed historical fact. It’s happened twice in the 20th Century alone.

Nah. There’s a lot of doubt.

So, great discussion thread, but does anyone really know what point Conan was sadly trying to make? Besides libzz?

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And you think one those two circumstances are aligned to repeat again soon. :joy:

Tell, at which on of those times was China a world economic power.