This is perfect example of why many knelt during the National Anthem

I’m sure the 4 year-old thief will come up with a good lie.

Clearly that 4 year old was a gang member.

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If the cops reaction was due to petty theft, then right. If it was due to abusive language and refusal to comply with orders, then it may have been justified.
If police just walk away because the suspect is abusive or threatening, then we are going to have a lot of abusive and threatening suspects once they figure that out.

4 year old say something she liked, took it out of the store.
what more do you want? have you ever met a 4 year old.

Once again… not an either/or situation… so stop pretending that it is.

Cops do not have the right to use excessive force because somebody cussed at them.


What if the parent then pulls a gun? You are attempting to separate out the barbie incident with the four year old from what ensued.
The police report also states there were outstanding warrants? Did you read it or just go with the OP story?

Outstanding. They catch a hardened criminal in flagrante delicto and release him with a ■■■■■■■ traffic ticket.

And the actual perpetrator didn’t even get a mark in her permanent day care file.


That’s her lawyers job.

Maybe Rudy can do some pro-bono babyspainin’.

What if a heifer has nuts?

That’s counterfactual.

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But they didn’t. It is disingenuous to add qualifiers that are not relevant to the case we are discussing

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The 4 year old girl was no angel. She was big for her age and wearing a hoodie.


Abusive language? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

'Bout time we took that order giving thing back.

The cops shouldn’t waste their time with petty shoplifting.
was this all worth the 2$ of stolen items.

Lock her up!

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So is it having outstanding warrants that excuses a police officer from screaming " I am going to shoot you in the ■■■■■■■ face" to someone who is complying?

any police officer who can’t control their emotion should be fired.

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Is there no debate you won’t drag Hillary into?


You can?

Plus I heard when she was interviewed all she said was, “Lawyer.”

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