This is perfect example of why many knelt during the National Anthem

You ain’t getting a Barbie and panties nowhere for $2.

It was a dollar store

Nope which is why I would be a ■■■■ police officer.

The point of dollar stores are that the items inside are generally a dollar apiece.

She was clearly a Crip.

By not at least tasing her the officer wasn’t doing his job.

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It must have been a knock off. Probably Guatemalan muled across the border.

Hey, at least Daniel Shaver was drunk and trying to pull his shorts up or something when he was killed during a real life game of Simon Says: Life or Death Edition.

At least, that was the excuse used to justify his slaying.


Well, what the ■■■■ are we going to do about it other than claim it’s “not cool.” It’s a real problem in America right now.

And look-I understand that any law enforcement or military personnel are in HIGH STRESS and HIGH RISK situations. I get that-it’s hard on people, and it forces hard and fast decisions. But at what point do we draw the line and start holding the VERY obvious ones (ones that are obvious in my opinion, of course) accountable? This stuff can’t happen.

Nothing is changing. Cops keep getting off the hook. How else should a person, say, a celebrity with a voice, have their voices heard and make change happen? People kvetch about Kaepernick kneeling, but the dude doesn’t JUST kneel-he spends his own time and money outside of football to help kids who grew up like he did. He works with underprivileged kids in tough situations and tries to make a difference.

So how much police brutality are we willing to accept as a society?


Apparently, just about all of it.


Definitely a thug.

Here in southwest Florida they take petty shoplifting seriously. I see videos on the local news of shoplifters on security footage almost daily, asking the public to help identify the perp. Seriously, about every day sometimes more than once. A guy grabs an item and runs out of the store and a couple hours later his face is plastered all over television news.

No its not. The statements have been like “should a cop pull a gun if a 4 year old takes a barbie”. That statement is just as disingenuous because that is not the situation we are talking about. That was a hypothetical situation and I replied with another hypothetical situation that was the opposite extreme. The real situation is somewhere in between and will likely be decided by a court.
There is a lot more in the arrest report than “a four year old took a barbie”.

No, it sure isn’t. I was replying to a post that indicated it was all about a 4 year old taking a barbie.

There really isn’t an authoritarian position you won’t defend

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False statement., I have not defended what the FBI and Brennan did if they tried to overturn an election.
Nor have I defended what the cop did here. I have tried to set the record straight that this was not just about a 4 year old taking a barbie and I have said that the courts should determine what really went on. I have not said that the cop was not at fault and should not be fired or even prosecuted.
In both cases, I want the justice system to look at the details and find out what really went on and take what action is appropriate.
That is the exact opposite of authoritarian or mob overreaction.

Correct it was a barbie doll and a pair of underwear

And outstanding warrants of an unspecified nature, and abusive language, and refusal to obey what may have been legal orders.
You do not want facts, you want to satisfy your outrage.

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Hands all over the place…grabbing everything in sight.

Maybe the 4 year old girl had a concealed weapon? You never know with the little thugs.

Telling a suspected perp that you are going to blow their ■■■■■■■ head off is not a legal order.