This is a nightmare!

What would be your priority?

Deflection is the LIB response. Notice how they have successfully deflected the discussion to everything but the OP topic?


I expect the unspoken answer is “Block your ears and cover your eyes and no problem will exist.” More of the same.


Do you have anything to post in regards to the op?

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Yup, but to his credit, Trump did get some wall done

Unnamed sources with an agenda.

What could go wrong?


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This could be an issue in 2022 and beyond as more people will want one as a pandemic control.

Yes. But that is not a wall.
They were never going to pay for a wall.
I didn’t say Trump didn’t do a lot better with enforcing our immigration laws than Biden, just that Mexico wasnt going to pay for the wall.

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Clear and unambiguous? I suppose you think that that meant Mexico would be directly paying the construction contracts. How silly.

Net cost, yes.

But Congress refused to go along with his plan. (Again … the US is not an Autocracy.)

Zoooom! There go the goal posts! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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He said he didn’t expect them to write a check. He used the word “indirectly” several times.

Really? How many successful people do you know that never failed at something along the way?

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Link it.

And it cost us some $2 billion when Biden cancelled the construction contracts. Biden’s legacy of screwing America certainly got off to a good start.


Should have never started construction knowing that biden would shut them down if elected.


^^^ Another one who apparently thought “pay for the wall” meant direct payment for construction. :smirk:

Yeah, that makes sense. :roll_eyes:

Revisionist trump history.

Here is the article from April 2016.

Direct payment. Lol
