This girl is a hero!

Maybe some hearings.

I could go along with that. It’s a serious problem in America.

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I apologize for violating your safe space. I won’t post in this thread anymore, for fear of hurting your feelings again.

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Mirror ugly?

Seriously, I’m not asking for that. Focus please. I only ask that you contribute to the topic. So far zip on your part. But you have succeeded in bumping my thread to the top of the list. And I do appreciate that. This girl deserves a little fame. Right?

Sounds kind of stupid when it’s your tribe.

Heck, as a reward she should get to do the enhanced interrogation techniques herself؟

“Cancelling” pressure is an issue now. This is an example of someone handling it correctly. Repeated comments about how unimportant something is … sort of self contradictory. If something is not important, the usual response is to ignore it…not keep saying how unimportant it is so people shouldn’t mention it.

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She must be crushed.

this kind of hate is encouraged by the destructive toxic left

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who teaches these students that that is “white supremacy?”

why does the university put up with that kind of overt racist nonsense?

oh that’s right - because they are also mentally ill leftists spouting hate and filth while snuggled warmly in the safe womb of academia

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you know what is literally literally (twice because you forgot what “literally” literally means) pure communism and propaganda?

college campuses

the farther idiot left it is, the more they think it matters

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First Wichita state, than the nation.

The domino theory.


A post was split to a new topic: Another Standing Up To Cancel Culture Hero?

She rocks!

God bless her for not kowtowing, instead insisting she made her choices on criteria given, and nobody in the appropriate committees rejected them before submission.

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Idiot leftists who know their policies suck. So they say, "vote for me because republicans are all Nazis. It’s all they’ve got.

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The Wichita State incident is merely one representative example of a larger wave of woke-ism that is out of control, toxic, and at times downright dangerous. Look at the threats made against her.

And your response is to attempt to deflect from that sinister movement. It speaks volumes, and gives the impression that you support what is happening to this girl.

Yet here you are. :man_shrugging:

Baffling isn’t it? Doesn’t care about the topic, yet won’t stop commenting on it.

I stopped commenting in this thread, at your request, 3 days ago.

Why are you still so concerned about it? Did my comments upset you that badly?