This girl is a hero!

Say her name. Olivia Gallegos.

She’s part of the Wichita State University student govenment. And she had the nerve to highlight a non woke woman during women’s history month. So what your woke friends did is what they typically do. Label her white supremacists and DE-MAND that she resign. So what did she do when confronted by these bullies? Did she surrender and beg for the forgiveness that never comes as most do? Oh no. She stood her ground. Not giving an inch. She’s probably about 19 or 20 and she shows more guts than most fully grown assed adults when attacked by the woke mob.

Give this young patriot a silver star!


Wichita State University Student Gov’t Senator Threatened For Highlighting Female Conservative Activist In Women’s History Month Twitter Post | The Daily Caller


That Aaron fellow in that first tweet is toxic. He needs to be red flagged.

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Right? Not much worse than a white man bullying a woman because he doesn’t approve of her role models. He’s a world class ass.

It’s an outright terroristic threat. What if she kills herself?

A suspension is definitely in order. This type of hate cannot be tolerated.

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Suspension? He’s a terrorist.

It is amazing to me how invested you guys are in student council politics at Wichita State.


Really? Your very first reply is to totally ignore the topic and focus on your fellow forum members? Are we supposed to give a ■■■■ about your opinion of us? Is that supposed to mean something?

The topic is the girl. Do you have an actual opinion on the topic? Now that would amaze me.


DHS needs to investigate him.

He needs to be at Gitmo.

Zero chance. They are run by a Wokefreak.


I couldn’t possibly care any less about Witchita State student government politics. I have no doubt they’ll figure it out on their own.

The fact that you believe this to be important is much more relevant and interesting to national politics as a whole, as far as I’m concerned.

Yes…or at least closely monitored. Sounds like good job for FBI.

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Then you have wandered into the wrong forum. Move along now youngster.

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This subforum is Politics, not National Politics.

Bullying should always be addressed. Terroristic threats. Toxic masculinity. The patriarchy.


They should use enhanced interrogation techniques on him until he reveals who is actually pulling the strings of the DNC؟

Am I doing this right?

I apologize for spoiling your fun. By all means, continue as you were.

I see this is a thread where challenges to the thesis aren’t welcome.

Yes, yes you are.

What about the girl though? She’s a bit of a badass. Just what we need to stand up against woke bullies. Yes?

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Defense of toxic masculinity and bullying will be rejected out of hand.

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You have challenged nothing regarding this topic. In fact, you have totally ignored her. So there’s that.