This can't be good...not good at all in fact

Where have I ignored it?

I have addressed it. I have attempted to have a decent conversation about it.

I have tried to inject my opinion about what it means taking the lessons of 2016 and what the future may hold.

But ignore it…

C’mon. If there is a point to be made actually make one instead of throwing out a post and when people take the time to respond to you you have a completely separate conversation that has nothing to do with what people are talking about.

Just meet halfway.

That’s all.


We all had heard the Trump was losing support among women…and Trump women problem put out by left-wing media…but yet last quarter 45 percent who had donation 200 or more is 45 percent…which beat Obama total for 2012 election by 1 percent.

That’s news where you won’t get anywhere else.

Are we going to go into percentages or raw numbers?

It seems that switching between the two happens when it is convenient to the argument.

It makes sense that among people who donate to either party, there is near parity between the sexes… especially when all amounts of money are taken onto consideration… something that the Romney figure did not keep track of.

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Not to mention…the FBI, the DoJ, the CIA, the NSA…

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The number that matters and will likely be decisive in 2020 is what percentage of women voters VOTE for Trump. It ain’t gonna be 45 percent.

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You might as well be talking to a wall, man.


The article you posted said “over 44%”, which is at least 45. But keep ignoring that, and the fact that trump getting donations from Republican women before a democratic candidate has even been chosen is somehow indicative that trump is getting a tidal wave of women’s support. He isn’t.

His disapproval rating with women overall hovers in the mid-60s.

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I just made a thread about polls in those states…which the OP ignored for this garbage.


So what is your prediction for electral votes.

Will trump win a clinton state?

Will Biden win a trump state (hint: Pennsylvania)

Or will the map be identical to 2016?


To be honest there is to many moving parts ATM to make a clear prediction.

Too many angles where things can come out to alter the dynamics of this election.

You just claimed the libs will be in shock in 2020 but now it’s too complicated…



I just can’t see which angle it will come from. Say you lack that peripheral vision.

It’s fun speculation…take a whirl conan…live on the edge a little…

AS Lucille Ball famously said. " “I have found it to be true, that the harder I work, the luckier I get .”

Hence the Democratic Party candidate could win.


Trump had more free press than any candidate I can remember in quite some time.

I have a fundamental problem not only with the source of the “news” but also that Trump’s donations is given in terms of money and the top two Democrats is given as a percentage. A case of origins compared with oranges perhaps.

I guess you describe to theory of only thing worst then being talked about is not being talked about.

It is.

Especially when there’s a crowded field.

Especially when it feeds into the persecution complex of many of those that support Trump.

Especially since so many people vote on name recognition.

Once again you have shown your superiority over the masses. I guess that’s what one does when he feels he or she is morally superior.

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