There was an outbreak among the vaccinated

Cool deflection, bro. The vaccine didn’t “allow” anything.

While you were cooped up in your house letting the TV dictate your life, millions of us were out living our normal lives. I understand the jealousy, but it’s laughable. :wink:


We are seeing the bigger picture.

No vaccine is perfect.

Therefore as the number of folks who get vaccinated increases, cases will eventually fall back down…but those outbreaks that do happen will have a larger portion of vaccinated people.

All you guys are doing is showing you once again don’t know how things work.

This time, you are showing you do not understand statistics.

Estimates range anywhere from 85% to 95% of the attendees at Bear Week were fully vaccinated.

You run through the math, and that means the vaccine was as much as 84% effective against COVID…in a high stress situation.

These kinds of clusters are expected in a highly vaccinated area, and not a surprise.

vermont is sparsely populated. likely due more to population density than anything else. did they ever have a covid problem to begin with?

This has failed. There is no sign that this is working at all. People have decided and it appears they’re not budging.

Not true…vax rates have been climbing again the last couple weeks.

If cases get worse, I fully expect more.

Some people have to have their hand burned before they learn not to touch the stove.

elimination shouldn’t even be a goal. that is the mistake the left made, they practically promised to eliminate it. (to be fair, trump went too far that way too). what we need to do is get everyone covid antibodies and work on treatments that can handle what memory cells cannot.

And not much tourism this time of year.

So far. It is not the only solution.

We need to come together.

Geeze, what if we made Vitamin D and Zinc free like the vaccine is.

Clearly, those have been shown to be helpful. Or, is just one size fits all?

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The article says that this case tells us we should wear masks inside even if vaccinated and then says it should not discourage people from getting vaccinated because the situation is unique to this location because of large indoor gatherings. It’s like a fable with contradictory morals. Really, these people are deciding that their anecdotes fit whatever preconceived thing is they want us to do…and then wonder why there is so little faith in their conclusions.

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No, I really don’t.

I am saying that vaccines are helpful but are only a temporary solution.

We are finding that more and more every day as information come in.

If I am wrong so be it. The vaccine is 100%. Or 90% or 80%.

How about free Vitamin D? How about free Zinc.

Why is it just free vaccine. BTW, the vaccine isn’t free.


I believe that the vaccines work really well. The feds and the media should stop trying to convince us they don’t. The message was: Get your shot and remove your mask. The message now: Get your shot and act like you didn’t get your shot.


What do you think is going to happen when people are moving here in droves, people are vacationing here and positive Covid migrants and illegals are invading the State?

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Another one died…that 2 days in a row that Vermont had a death.

Sorry to bust that bubble.


Which is actually okay.

If I have been fully vaccinated AND now I know that it doesn’t work so well I can make adjustments.

I’m good with that.

I just need good info so I can make good decisions.

There is no proof zinc works and Vitamin D is free.

Go outside more often.

Eat fish and dairy…the Vitamin D comes along for the ride.

There is no proof masking works either.


There is, actually.

Like all things, it’s not perfect and best used in conjunction with other efforts.

And given the masks most people have, I suspect it will be less effective against delta, although still better than nothing.

Slap those tuna steaks on the grill to sear it after seasoning with some McCormick garden vegetable seasonings.

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Care to provide some?

How incredibly condescending.

How about I live in SW Florida and my blood tests show I am incredibly vitamin D deficient.

Should I go lay out in my backyard and soak on the sun? Or, hey, maybe the scientists said don’t do that… cause of skin cancer.

Do this… don’t do this… take this… don’t take this…

JayJay says go outside more often.