I stub my toe. I say God dangit. This somehow becomes an offense that needs to be excused by a stranger? And amounts to me telling someone how their relationship with God works?
That is peak wokeness.
“Who are you to tell me how my relationship with my race works” would be prime BLM material.
It’s probably the same way you feel when you’re told you have to speak differently, even act differently, just so you don’t offend the sensibilities (I’ll even go with convictions) of others.
It just doesn’t sit well. You know what I’m talking about because you have to endure it from the wokes and crits. You can’t say that now, you can’t say this now, all because it might offend a minority or a trans or whatever. You rightfully scoff at that.
Where I was raised, cursing like that was just normal. Often a form of levity. I’m just not convinced I have to forfeit all of that solely because of some stranger’s personal relationship with god. It’s quite an imposition.
I’ve talked about this longer than I ever wanted to. I will genuinely try to avoid using that language when I can just in good faith, but sometimes it just comes out.
When I am in church, around individuals or in a situation that I know using god or christ as an exclamation (same goes for ■■■■ and other profanities) I do my absolute best to be respectful and be aware of what comes out of my mouth.
The other thing that wasn’t mentioned is that Gen Alpha does not have a concept of a greater good beyond self and that anything in conflict with self is viewed as hostile. There is no god, God, or societal good to but oneself in subjection to for the greater good, only the elevation of self.
Town square? Who has a town square these days but yes when I am out and about with the wife of whoever I use the term “god” in public.
If that makes me a bad person then oh well.
As for people using the term god or christ, ifs already been explained its learned behavior and just a word like “dam” or “bollocks”. You are either thinking too hard about this or just being contrary for the sake of it.
Submitting to your husband means letting the household be run with logic and reason rather than emotion and chaos. It isn’t some kind of demeaning act that feminists have tried to make it out to be.