My experiences driving a school bus I can relate somewhat. It’s been a wake up for me hearing 2nd graders routinely scream at others: “Shut the ■■■■ up” or “Leave me the ■■■■ alone” and other Neanderthal urban laced vernacular
My education experience is mid '50’s thru approx 1971-'72. The (public) schools are no longer educating they’re warehouses for state run social experimentation. They’ve brought it on themselves with progressive ideological policies that have not just failed the student populations but the country as a whole. While here in America they’re force feeding gender preference, physical and mental mutilation, boys peeing in the girls lav, boys and men kicking the girl’s asses in sports and in some cases injuring the girls? America’s adversaries are educating their young to excel in literature, math, physical and computer sciences. America will be left behind to clean up the excrement other countries will heap on us.
I could care less my life’s end is down the road someday soon. I fear for my middle age children and our grandchildren. Y’all need to wake the ■■■■ up and soon. You dip ■■■■■ created this monster, better figure out how to close this Pandoras box and lock the lid for good!
According to the story an uncle took the original shooter outside to settle it down, but never disarmed the individual. Apparently the adults in this situation had no problem with minors with illegal hand guns.
This is the ramification of our country moving away from “in God we trust” and fathers in the home, raising their children. Children are like play-doh being opened for the first time. The play-doh is soft and can easily be molded for a short time prior to it hardening. Children are much the same but the question becomes, whose fingers are doing the molding? If the mother and father are not lovingly united in raising this child, it allows for many who do not love this child, to put their mangy fingers on them and mold them into what “we” are witnessing today.
Thank ■■■■■■■ tap dancIng Jesus Christ that “In God We Trust” wasn’t seen as the law of the house where I grew up. God says women submit to the man. A lot of awful fathers. And glad In God We Trust isn’t policy.