The war on Drugs got just a little hard or easier depending on who you asked

How do you know I don’t?

Not at all. Libbidiocy, neck beards and vaping are destroying American males. Feminizing an entire generation, probably two now.

We have to get this country back on track before we look up one day and they’re peeing sitting down.

*cries in the corner *

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Don’t complain when they ban something using your general welfare clause as their basis. Vaping doesn’t have a gender and I would love to hear how neck beards are feminine. I mean, I don’t have one but I certainly haven’t seen any women sporting one.

psst, if your wife or girlfriend has one, they might be hiding something from you…

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Over compensation.

Bloody hands! What did they know and when did they know it? They own our politicians!

What did they know about what? The ban on marijuana that resulted in black market products that cause the recent rash of injuries?

You couldn’t tell?

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Not only the recent debacle with tainted vape additives but things like synthetic “weed” might not of ever been created as there wouldnt be a large unmet demand

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Big Vape knew!

I work at a dangerous job. Should someone be disqualified because of ETOH?

We’re more likely because of the odd hours worked to be at risk of errors because employees who cleared those drug screens aren’t getting adequate sleep.

Sorry, gooddad, we’re just not going to agree on this issue, but that’s OK.

How about testing employees for daring to work two jobs to their bills?

I’ve seen everything from the humorous—one such man put a specimen label on his Sharpie marker & sent it for testing—to errors that could endanger the patient.

IMO An employee’s off time and what they do with it—smoking, vaping, drinking, body piercing or an additional factor against sleep like school or a second job should be their business unless it affects their job attendance or performance.

Not to mention that if you get drunk, rather than just having a drink or two, you’re more liable to be under the influence of the alcohol the next day, than you are if you smoke a little weed the night before.

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I feel they are similar to be honest. Both can have hangovers of sorts.

The only time I ever feel the effects of weed the next day, is if I have it really late. Like say I have some at 3:00 am and wake up at 9:00. Then I feel kind of groggy. But I suppose it varies. I only ever take one hit.

I was getting more at the drunk part, of you did the same with weed, like smoking all night with buddies, neither are smart of you have a safety sensitive job the next morning.

Oh, well no. Not if you smoked all night!

That would be someone who took this song way too literally

and no that no more than drinking to excess or not sleeping would definitely not be good for those safety sensitive jobs :scream:

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Way back when, you used to pretty much have to smoke all night. :wink: Now, not so much.

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Who cares, no one’s in a big rush to smuggle Mexican dirt weed into America. As a nation we barely smuggle Canadian weed in anymore.

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