The war on Drugs got just a little hard or easier depending on who you asked

Oh it’s more than insurance.

Vaping is different. Those crack pipes got to go.

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It tests previous use, not current conditions. Should you not be allowed to drink a beer off shift?

Somebody needs to invent a weed “breathalizer”.

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Why not?

Uh huh, so put you down for ban things you don’t like but otherwise, freedom and liberty? Roger that.

Vaping is going to be the downfall of civilization. Well, vaping, white male libs and neck beards.

I get it, if you don’t like it, it’s ok to ban it.

It’s not about me, it’s about saving civilization.

Well, I guess I’ll take you seriously when you rationally explain how vaping is going to cause the downfall of civilization.

It is an additional distraction for a group that already has the attention span of a gnat, it is the most addictive drug in history, it turns seemingly grown males into pacifier-sucking toddlers, the risk of setting the neck beards on fire is a yuge public safety risk…

The reasons are endless.

Anyone who vapes should be red flagged, not allowed to drive and forced to undergo addiction rehab.

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Odd, I don’t find your arguments at all convincing or remotely rational.

The first step to solving addiction is admitting you have a problem.

So you want to ban any and all addictive substances? Or just the ones you don’t use? And where was the federal government granted this power in the constitution?

Just this.


No thanks.

Not going to answer the third question?

Oh sorry. “And provide for the general welfare.”

Is this satire?