The #WalkAway "phenomenon"

Yeah, if that was what they were saying it would be more believable. Also most talk about the hate directed at Trump… but the same was true with Obama and Bush and Presidents before them.

It seems to be at a whole new level now, but then Trump brings a lot of it on himself with the insane tweeting, praising Putin, etc. He’s his own worst enemy.

I could understand someone saying they are leaving the D or the R party to vote libertarian or whatever, but both parties right now are dumpster fires.

Delusion needs reinforcement. Desperate avoidance of anything contrary.

Its ironic. Christians have been accused of “blind faith” so much and for so long, we actually discipline ourselves to weigh evidence and legal historical testimony, to prove we aren’t guilty of blind faith. The book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” (Josh McDowell) is an example of that in action.

But you leftists, you have slogans that make you feel good, but never work in reality. Fail everywhere they are tried as policy. But it don’t affect you at all, you just keep chanting them and look down on all who don’t agree. Or get violent against them.

There are more videos now when I searched, than when I did the last time I discussed this. They all have more views. No one is sitting hitting the refresh button, that is your cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Cognitive Dissonance won’t permit you leftist’s see the facts. You will generate bots, people who hit refresh, etc rather than simply let the evidence weigh in on the question.

The reason why more people are questioning Democrats, is because they have become unhinged.

Normal people don’t follow strangers into diners and chant slogans at them. That nutty.

Its that simple

Then again he thinks rebel media is objective journalism…


So, every ad using shutterstock is a sham. That’s a whole lot of DNC adds. You sure you want that rule.

Seems to me, they made a point and used shutter stock pictures, because that is how you do it.

If you used a real person, the deranged left might burn his house down.

No, that’s not how it works. These people are flat out lying to you. Not to me, I already know they’re lying.


I can’t stop laughing at these lying liars and the gullibles who believe them.

Mrs. Thomas and her fake black people. It doesn’t get any better than that.

A movement that is supposed to be a grass root, individuals. Real people who are tearing away their shackles of the democratic party for something better. Yeah you go with that ROFL.

Even those who are in shutterstock photos are "real people’. They aren’t robots. The difference being they get paid to appear in the stock images.

The delusion runs deep. Even posting proof that the images are fakes doesn’t change anything, I guess because after all they aren’t “real people” or something.

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And have no say whatever in how these pictures are used, that part is important…maybe?

My understanding is the people in the photos get paid for their images to be used, but they have no say in what manner they are used.

Anyone can go to shutterstock or other sites and buy images of anything they like.

Have you ever seen the davel Chappelle skit with the jury selection for the R Kelly trial?

No, never heard of him.

Did Mrs Thomas, wife of a Supreme Court Justice, think she was fooling dumb black people with her fake propaganda?

I would bet she had no idea. Probably a fwd fwd fwd type of deal

Comedian popular about 10-15 years ago. In this skit, Here he is discribing what it would take for him to believe r Kelly is really guilty. I keep thinking back to this skit over and over and over again when we had to deal with Moore, with Trump lying etc

I’m glad to say the conservative sites I generally read or at least glance at every day, haven’t taken a bite of this scam.

I’m certain though that GP and Trumpbart are full of these fake stories.

The few videos I saw weren’t leftists becoming conservatives or leaving the Democrat party, they were conservatives who thought thy were “progressive” and “Democrats” but as the latter became unhinged, deranged…they began to see the inconsistency in their actual belief and the Democrat party.

Lots of people are that way. The became Democrats because that’s what you do as you grow up. Same with me.

But something happens to make you see, wakes you up to an inconsistency and you realize "I’m not really a liberal…democrat…progressive because i don’t believe there are 67 genders…in open borders…driving manufacturing out of the country…socialism which failed everywhere its tried…etc.

Or one’s personal conservatism (they don’t throw their money away on drug addicts, on bums who refuse to work, max out every credit card)…begins to make them see Democrats in a different way…

It happens. Its not new. But because of the Derangement, the absurd policies being advocated, even those who for social reasons might be “Democrat” are saying “its not worth the destruction of the country I force Christian bakers make me a cake. Besides, I don’t want to bake cakes for them either”

OK, I can see why you would make that connection. :smile: