The #WalkAway "phenomenon"

It’s probably 95% fake Alfie. Not saying every story is faked, but the overwhelming majority is bots, fake photos, etc.

Not genuine testimonials.

Look at the effort they are putting in to “debunk” this story. If it really isn’t happening, if they didn’t believe it might be (and they want to “stem the tide”), they would ignore it.

But they don’t.

They are hell bent on proving “its a fraud”.


Deep down, in their tiny progressive hearts, they fear it is true.

Its possible, but we’ve had this phenomenon in the past. The people walking away, really aren’t progressives leftist Democrats…they thought they were…or everyone in their family was Democrat so that is how they registered when they became of age…

But when you listen to the videos, its evident they were actually Republican’s, conservative…When the deranged left forced them to pay attention to politics, they began noticing they didn’t really believe in Democrat policies…

Those aren’t fake videos. That’s what happened to me and R. Reagan. I’m was a Reagan Democrat, and I the more I paid attention to common sense policies the more I realized I am a Republican.

Why are they hell bent on proving it’s a scam? I don’t know Alfie… maybe because most people hate to be scammed or see others fall for a scam.

Maybe it’s as simple as that.

Or maybe it’s some on the left wanting to make Trump supporters look bad. That could be it too, but it seems Trumpists are making it easy.

The conservative sites I read haven’t “debunked” it either, they have for the most part just ignored it entirely.

Because people are using Google to prove these are bits it must mean it’s real? That is ridiculously stupid logic.

Using that rationale, Why did NASA produce videos debunking the “landing on moon was hoax”, is it because deep down in their heart NASA really believe the us did not land on the moon?

Utter silliness

No one knows if its a real movement or not. All I can say is those videos seemed genuine to me, not something created by bots.

The stories communicate authenticity. Many confess they don’t know where to go, but they do know the derange leftist mob is not where they want to be.

Right? No matter the side some people are so invested in being right that they lose all sense of logic.

I was much more liberal myself in the 70s and 80s, although I loved Reagan. The main reason at the time was because he presented a very positive image, and he was a good leader. He got along great with Tipper ONeil, something that would be unheard of now.

But back to the main point. Even if what you are saying is true, it’s hard to imagine anyone embracing Trumpism who wasn’t already on the train in 2015 and 2016. Opinions of him are quite hardened, which is why his approval rating doesn’t change much at all.

That’s why it simply doesn’t ring true.

Yes that’s true. If something fits someone’s preconceived idea it must be true. Or if it is something they want to hear then it must be true.

Critical thinking is a must these days.

Frankly, your ignorance of informal logic is glaring. There is no excuse for that, has hundreds of titles. Or you could google “logical fallacy” and learn lots from that.

Your argument is non sequitur. NASA is a government agency, they can’t let a delusion about their expenditures of money “become reality”. Of course they would debunk lies. Their motives are completely different than those posting here, who aren’t defending their budget.

Hilarious if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic

Its hard to overcome the first impression, and Trump rubbed a lot of people wrong at the start. Clearly, you are one of them.

But he hasn’t been all that bad as far as conservative judges go and rolling back regulations that were straight jacketing the economy.

Back to those walking away, remember “blue dog Democrats?” Nancy Pelosi drove them out. The party has lurched left. I bet a lot of them, not knowing they were “blue dog Democrats” because they didn’t pay politics much attention, are realizing there’s no place in the party for them anymore.

They, and those who realized they were more conservative than what the party has become, are genuinely leaving. Just don’t know what their numbers are.

I’ve given Trump credit for doing things I like, such as the judges, rolling back regulations, and getting out of the Paris accords. I can separate my personal dislike of the man with his policies.

And what you are saying about the Ds is true. The party is moving further left, alienating moderates and so on.

But the evidence is overwhelming that a lot of the #walkaway accounts are total frauds.

Let’s see how things go in November. If Rs end up doing much better than expected it will be evidence that some former D voters decided to stay home or switch sides. But I will believe it when I see it.

As I keep saying, the story would be more credible if Rs had a traditional President right now. He’s anything but that.

Everyone is logical, but not everyone’s logic is sound. When comparing two different things, the “common cause” can’t have “incompatible properties pertinent to the cause”.

In other words, Apples don’t indicate what an Orange tastes like although both are fruit and somewhat round and grow on trees. Taste is caused by the composition of the fruit, and the composition of an apple is very different than an orange.

So informal logic spots the fallacy in the comparison, they are not the same composition so they don’t taste the same.

Its your choice to be “unsound” in your logic, you weren’t born with that disability.

Check out and type in “clear thinking”, you’ll be amazed at number of titles.

Once you know how to think critically, you will be able to spot those who don’t.

Like I said this would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic.

If comparing to deduce “cause”…but I should have added “effect” as in my example “taste”

I agreed with every point until your last. That is your personal preference. We’ve discussed this before, my blue collar back round biases me against the traditional “blue blood” stodgy Republican.

And Limbaugh has a point. Republicans talked a good story, but rarely produced when in power. And everything was getting worse. The country really was sliding into decline.

But I do agree. I don’t want to bet on “walkaway” delivering the midterms. Its best ignored and we should fight like hell to get Republicans elected.

You are right, to those who lack critical thinking skills and disciple.

But to anyone who has taken the time to learn to think critically, your ignorance of informal logic is glaring.

Well one of the things Republicans allegedly stood for was fiscal responsibility. Now we are on track to have a deficit of a trillion.

I’d never join the D party because I agree with almost nothing they promote. However, it’s hard to be enthusiastic about Rs either.

Excellent. Trump’s is fighting our own party to cut spending on various wasteful government programs.

Its congress you should blame, and include all those stodgy K Street Republicans whose doners will not let Trump spend less.

But the growth in the economy has already increased revenue to the government so that is helping.

Like you, I want to pay down the debt. Trump is trying, and incredibly our own party is fighting him.