THE VIEW...can you believe!

can you dispute it?

(after you slap pirro in the face)

Wages are up. So is inflation. There has been no growth over the last year.

Trump said he would make health care cheaper. He lied. Voters know this.

The deficit is doubling, well over projections. You know why? They didn’t project a massive tax cut for the wealthy.

Your party is vulnerable. Congress has spent the better part of two years spinning its wheels and catering to special interests.

Hey watch it there bub.

They might be if dems had any solutions… But they don’t…

Trump didn’t have any solutions. It didn’t seem to affect his election.

After the Atlanta Fed predicted BIGLY GDP for Q1, we got 2.2%.


Hold the phone!!!

Actually, it was just 2.0.

What was Q1 in 2016 under Obama?

ok so no you cant dispute the POINT of the article saying we could see 4%.

which supports pirro’s position

keep sounding stupid!

say “pwned” a couple more times too so everyone knows how much you play video games since the early 2000s

You can’t dispute someone saying we “could see 4%”. You also can’t dispute someone saying we could see 20% or 1%. What Pirro’s actual point?

You want to come look?

It’s enough.

you cant prove what will happen in the future. cant dispute it either

it’s not a “lie” when you predict something about the economy.

but when you want to “bitch slap” someone so bad you gotta find some idiotic reason, right?

What are they supposed to do about healthcare?

It’s what libs do, sit home, get stones and watch daytime TV all day…and post on Hannity in attempts to drive away conservatives.

ask the guy who posted that:

Negative old man, I’ll take your word for it.

I thought I did.

Implement single payer healthcase.

What are they supposed to do about healthcare?

Republicans? :rofl: