The US the Greatest Country on Earth?

Which means Toreyj is spot on.

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See? There you go again.

Really? You’re the one who brought Smollett into this.

I don’t think he was blaming just them.

I think he was blaming those who are unwilling to look beyond their own narrow point of view. To go outside their reality bubble. And that there are too many of them in America and it’s dragged us down.

That’s not just a “flag waver” thing.

No, I did not.

A better question is, how many libs outright, verbally condemned Trump supporters based on the testimony of a liar? Just look for yourselves. If you were one of them, have you apologized? Are you ashamed?


Pizzagate, birtherism…want to go check out the threads on those?

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I did not pay much attention to the Smollett situation. No need to apologize, nothing to be ashamed of.

If anyone should be ashamed of anything, it is Trump supporters that play down the attempted coup on Jan. 6.

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I knoooooooooow rite? That’s what you were fed, digested and are here regurgibleating almost a year later and yet…they forgot their guns. Who’d a thunk they’d attempt a coup, against an armed force…with no guns? Damn dude…you really have been sheoplized baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

ps…even when Pelosi was exposed as a pure lying bitch, that officer Sicknick was murdered by Trump supporters with a fire extinguisher, you still believe the rest of her bull ■■■■ .

…and I agree…you should be ashamed!!!

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Why hasn’t Pelosi been subpoened since she was in charge of protecting the capitol? Why do you think that is? She’s in charge of this whole fake commission? How can some people be so blatantly stupid that they’re just tools of a political party?

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You need to apply your drip, drip drip idea to the current investigation. Let’s see what happens,

Also, with a Mob like that, guns were not needed…although many were armed in other ways.

OMG…a flag pole. Who needs atomic weapons now…they’re obsolete…amirite? :sunglasses:

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You need to stop doing the same thing and expecting different results.

The real question here is how many believed his side of the story before ANY evidence came out?

That is how one would see where their bias lies.

It’s Jussie Smollett-vu all over again but some are too stupid to see that. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I agree.

Good tribal sheep will rationalize anything their tribal king does. So it doesn’t matter what news of Jan 6 comes out…Trump supporters will rationalize it and/or downplay it.


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Remember how threatening those two guys with batons in Philly were? I seem to remember quite a bit of outrage over that don’t you? Can you imagine if there were thousands of those guys?

No country is perfect, but I still prefer a strong Capitalist society with enough Socialist programs to even out the hard times.

In that regard, I actually think Germany is doing things pretty well.

These are the advantages of living in Germany over the US…

  1. Habeus Corpus - They don’t have the Patriot Act there, and you cannot be held on suspicion of being a terrorist for prolonged periods of time. They also ensure that citizens have the right to be forgotten, with the government resistant to invading the privacy of its citizens. So, no NSA level snooping.

  2. Lots of guns, but only in the right hands. You need to be certified and registered to have firearms, but you can have them. You need to secure them and they check periodically that you are being responsible. Criminals and the mentally ill are barred from firearms licenses.

  3. Respect for the Police. You don’t see Police busting down doors in the middle of the night, stealing money from citizens because it “might” be drug money, or shooting citizens. When a police officer approaches someone in Germany they don’t fear for their lives.

  4. Lack of barriers to a better life. Low to no cost college, but you have to serve your country in some capacity for a year. This teaches civic duties to young people who need to learn it.

  5. Multi-Cultural society. They take in immigrants without a fuss, and the immigrants are treated better than in France or the UK. They take in a million people a year and get them to work, pronto.

  6. Nationalized health care. Their system has private and public plans. Germany has long had the most restriction-free and consumer-oriented healthcare system in Europe. Patients are allowed to seek almost any type of care they wish whenever they want it. And they have a surplus. The effect of health costs on the GDP are less than 11%. It is 18% here despite not having Universal Health care.

  7. Voting. Every German citizen over 18 can vote, and there is no nonsense like the electoral college there. Every vote is equal.

  8. Freedom from the nanny state. Prostitution is legal, you can have a beer at 16 years of age, all religions are taught in school, marijuana is set to be legalized nationwide next year. And there is no “woke” culture. You can even smoke in bars there, for most of the country.

So, yeah, Germany has its problems like any other country, but you don’t have to worry about crime, jobs are plentiful, healthcare is free, college is cheap, folks aren’t spied on and they have tremendous abilities to travel and even hold dual citizenship, and they have embraced multiculturalism. So I would probably place them tops, but only because it is so similar to the US, just done a lot better.


Let’s also remember, this is “conservative”, in Germany.