The US the Greatest Country on Earth?

He was most definitely an agitator.

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…nor did I. I said he promoted “peaceful protests”. Now I understand how that’s confusing to today’s lib that interprets that to mean looting, arson, violence and destruction of personal property…

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BLM promote peaceful protests. Sometimes, things get out of hand…many times due to police actions…at least if we look at history.

So, MLK was not an agitator?

BLM promotes stealing and destruction and then describes it as “reparations”. Just stop trying to rewrite history cuz it’s already been recorded for all time.


And looting.

Beat me to it.

MLK was an agitator. He wanted to change the status quo and the accepted order. With help from his Allies he did just that. When you try to upset the status quo you become an agitator. It’s not a bad title to have.

BLM’s legacy is complicated. Some of the general concepts are good. Reform the police state, good. Justice for victims of abuse by the state, good although some BLM members have a different idea than I do of what Justice is.

Some are not so good. Certain chapters call for the destruction of the nuclear family. The failure of the black nuclear family is one key reason why inner city black America is in the shape that it is in.

The call for reparations. Complete non starter. It’ll never happen. Nor should it happen. It would destroy race relations.


Pretty much agree with your assessment. Regarding reparations, that is complicated.

Maybe not in the form of direct cash payments, but some sort of reparations are in order, primarily for the last 80 years of lack of economic opportunity, that was codified in law until the 60’s and 70’s…and after that, still done in practice, even though it was technically against the law.

Were there race repercussions when we granted reparations to the Japanese?


Maybe you never read or heard MLK Jr’s dream speech. It IS about not judging people based on their color.

We were doing that… not judging by color… But just like Jussie Smollett… the Democrat party found that it needed to get more attention by finding racism where there was hardly any at all. So the democrats spat upon the part of this man’s dream for his four little children.

It appears, that is the only speech you know from MLK.

Didn’t Smollett get convicted? How many Dems defended him after the truth came out?

His “I have a dream speech” IS his most famous speech… THE ONE THAT YOU REFERENCED… RIGHT HERE!

Still… contrary to your erroneous implication - one that I take as an insult and a lie… it is but one of his speeches that I read to my little white daughter decades ago.

Flailing is so unbecoming.

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Reparations given directly to black men and women born during the Jim Crow era can be justified. There are named victims and named oppressors. They suffered the abuse and compensation for that suffering can be justified. Compensation for the internment camps of Japanese-Americans were handled in that manner for the most part, although some who had died by that point had their shares given to their children.

General reparations to the entire community? No. I would mark 1970 as the cut off date for reparations for Jim Crow. Realistically I would say those born before 1965, but I understand that it took a number of years for the provisions of both the civil rights act and voting rights acts to be enforced in each Jim Crow state.

But that’s it. No reparations for slavery. All of the perpetrators are dead, all of the victims are dead. That is the type of reparations that would destroy black and white relations.

No it isn’t. Give your stuff to a black person and say “My bad”

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“Patriotism, n. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit it is the first.”

Ambrose Bierce

Is the USA the greatest country on Earth?

Depends on who you ask.

Depends on when you asked it.

Depends on who asked it.

Folks are naturally proud of their country if there is at least some semblance of democracy there, some ability to thrive despite where you came from socioeconomically. In regards to opportunity, the USA is middling. Tons of barriers in place to prevent climbing up, but once overcome, tons of rewards.

Education, in our country, is the barrier to the middle and upper class, and we make it as punitive as possible to achieve. It is ridiculously expensive, ineffective and often outdated. We are clearly at the bottom when it comes to higher education in regards to modern western democracies.

Medicine is the same way, incredible advances, ridiculously expensive, ineffective and often outdated. We lead the modern world in medicine and medical bankruptcies. Plus, we have a significant rise in junk science, hysteria, misinformation and outright fraud since COVID arose.

Violence is another issue of course, we are a very violent nation. And loads of guns, some in the wrong hands. And absolutely no will to try and address it in a reasonable manner.

Political polarization is another issue, fairly bad at the moment. WIth the advent of 1/6 many feel our very democracy may be under attack from within, spurred by outside forces who love to see us tear each other apart.

So we have a resilient and large economy, a powerful military, enormous resources and a multicultural population. All of those should make us the greatest country on earth.

But since our inception we have been a petty and brutal place to live, for many. Enslaved, exploited, denigrated and denied fundamental human rights. That has been the reality for many who have lived on our shores. For those born to the right family, America is a blessing, to others, it is no better than some places and demonstrably worse than others.

Having lived overseas (Germany), the one thing I found interesting was how little they seemed to hate each other. We revel in that hate here, it feeds our news and our souls. This forum is a nice example of how folks love to tear each other down with insults and generalizations. It also shows how we can talk to each other and overcome differences, and even learn from each other.

We have been granted this great gift, this country, and since its inception we have consistently failed to do the right thing, but it is still here, still waiting for us to grow up and do things right. I still think we can do it, but right now it is looking kind of sketchy.

So the short answer is, when it comes to the question is the US the greatest country on earth?

It could be, it should be, but it isn’t.

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Great post. Thanks for that. Appreciated.

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That’s because you libs keep making everything about race instead of character.

How many Dems chastised him for his shameful deceit?

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That begs the question … which country is? (… and why do you think so?)