The Undeniable Rise of (fake) Hate Crimes

which side has committed more act of terrorism in the last few years?

Which side committed more in all the years?

I didn’t address anything but the intolerance. Nor did I attempt to compare the two.

I myself am extremely intolerant of many things. You are not superior.

The difference is no one is shooting people because of White privilege.

Well, that’s not true at all.

so there has been a large trend of violence from alt-left?

Sure. Is that a thing?

Also like I said in my first post the whole point of this thread was to shift discussion of the real rise of violence from the alt-right, because the right doesn’t want to accept that there is a portion of their base that has become violent.

I’m not shifting, I’m just trying to get you to open your left eye.

You gotta remember that liberal leftist progressives are always guilty of what they accuse others of doing, it never fails! :woman_shrugging:

The deranged left attacks verbally and physically even children as young as 7. If you dare wear a MAGA hat you will screamed and cursed at, refused service and sometimes punched. :open_mouth: It’s in the news all the time.

What can be done about it? Gotta get them OUT of positions of power and defeat them at the ballot box and restore law and order.

Yes the alt-left is a thing has existed forever they are mostly anarcho-communist.

Ok, if you say so. What are Justice Democrats?

I don’t need to open my eyes, Iv never denied the existence of radical, far-left groups like ANTIFA

I assume they are some Super PAC.

Are you ok?

Ok. Thanks.

I’m kinda over this pretending the alt-right doesn’t exist, its played out.

Oh the alt-right exists. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. What’s in the other closet?

It doesn’t really matter. It isn’t a question of who is more violent . The left can be and is intolerant. Doesn’t make the right any less bigoted.

The left is not tolerant.

Intolerant :man_facepalming:

I’ll edit

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