The Un-sanctuary City

We just need to make sure he has the right tools.


Rare action photo with super fast shutter feature.

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apples and oranges. stick to the issue at hand.


some of neighbors are illegals, i am sure dover can accommodate asylum seekers, if necessary. send em.


The issue here is that Gov Abbott (Texas) is shipping these illegals to places that have acted or declared themselves to be sanctuary cities. Now the mayor of DC takes umbrage at that.

The administration seems happy to let the status quo impact Texas. But when Texas spreads to the impact to the center of government that is burdening Texas, suddenly the indignation of NIMBY kicks into gear. :-1:



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Yes, I believe Governor Desantis is taking the illegals in Florida to Delaware. But I’m sure DC can handle tens of thousands more. You’re not suggesting the illegals aren’t welcome in a sanctuary city are you?

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Of course he is, its the leftist way. When they say “we will help them” what they mean is “you will help them”

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Oh I know the difference too, anyone who says “asylum seeker.” What an utterly asinine post. :crazy_face:


What tourist dollars the dump formerly known as DC would quickly dry up. I actually love the idea. :+1:

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Gotta love Lib compassion. Never met a one who’s not willing to give a person less fortunate the shirt off someone else’s back.


Over the years I’ve always loved to visit D.C. and as a young kid was able to walk down the stairs in the Washington Monument.

Since 2020, I have zero interest in going there because you never know what trouble you could run into.

Sorry but there can only be one answer to a gratuitous statement like that.

A cousin of mine worked for the DOD at the Pentagon, he and his wife lived in a brownstone in the DuPont Circle area for years. They loved the District; the restaurants, the goobermint socials, theater, schmoozing with the hoy paloy etc etc
About 3-4 months ago they sold and moved to Leesburg VA. They said DC is a crime ridden, drug infested shooting gallery. The nations Capitol is managed by incompetent boobs taking taxpayers money to wreck what was once a place folks couldn’t wait to visit.

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It’s a troll tactic. A piss poor one, but one regardless. The (D)evotion is obviously forced and faked extemporaneously. :wink:

I’ll bet you Jill now opens up a new DC Taco Bell. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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And anouther sanctuary city begging for money

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How does filling up states like Texas and Florida with these people solve the border crises? The only way sending them to DC helps is by letting the people who create the policies who are creating these problems face the results of their decisions. Indeed, the solution is to send them back to their families in their own countries and spread the word they are not welcome here.
Time to stop the “asylum” fraud.

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The difference is that an “asylum seeker” is an illegal alien who got caught and knew enough to say the magic word.


From the link:

"If we do not get these urgently needed resources, we may struggle to provide the proper level of support our clients deserve, while also facing challenges as we serve both a rapidly growing shelter population and new clients who are seeking asylum. We are calling on the federal government to partner with New York City as we help asylum seekers navigate this process, and to provide financial and technical resources," he wrote.

Again this doesn’t make sense? According to the Leftists here all these people are getting great paying jobs and supporting themselves? There not supposed to be a burden on the US taxpayers.