The Un-sanctuary City

i voted for the electors of Joe Biden.

i dont know any POTUS called brandon.


Thats not surprisu=ing since you don’t know the legal classification of someone awaiting an asylum hearing is “illegal alien”

not true. they have legal status. but we been though this before.

not illegal no matter how many times you say it.

awaiting adjudication for asylum.


lying won’t help, their legal classification is “illegal alien”

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For one, if they are not Mexican and coming through Mexico, they did not need asylum. Return them to Mexico.
For two, if you don’t immediately announce at the border but only after caught, it is too late. Fraud should be presumed.

who are you to say who needs asylum or not?

thats up to the immigration judges not laymen.


We the people have the say.

This is why so many come.

Judges put their pants on one leg at a time like everyone.


As a voting citizen in this country, I am still allowed an opinion. Bureaucrats thinking they are the proper policy deciders in the country is one of its problems.


if they simply needed or wanted asylum, they’d have applied for it in mexico


[quote=“gooddad409, post:173, topic:242535”]

All 3 million should be sent to Delaware and DC
The ■■■■■■■ at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave with the home(s) in Delaware are the reason the illegal invasion happened in the first place.

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The history and reason for asylum and its history stems from the atrocities of WW2, which as we all know was the attempt to eradicate a particular ethnic group. It was never intended to address poverty, crime, gangs, or whatever other social ill befalls people in a country, which is what people like Al and pretty much today’s Democrat Party believes it should apply for as well. Here’s where things could get dicey if we genuinely had a President who was looking out for the best interest of the country. On the one hand there’s this:

If a person arrives on US soil and claims asylum, does the US have to deal with their claim under international law?

Yes. Not only does the US have an international legal obligation to do so, based on the requirement of complying with the object and purpose of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and implementing legal obligations in good faith, it has an obligation to do so under its own domestic law.

The executive order cannot displace domestic legal obligations. So those who, with great difficulty, manage to reach the US will have to have their asylum claims examined. The duty not to return a person to a state where they may face torture or other serious harms is absolute under the UN’s Convention Against Torture. The US has signed and ratified this convention.

So technically speaking, we are supposed to give a person who wishes to make an asylum claim a hearing. Be that as it may, the reality is that we are facing an unprecedented situation in which hundreds of thousands of people are showing up at our border every month from many different countries asking for asylum. Our asylum system was NEVER intended to function under such a scenario. There’s already a backlog of over a million cases as it is, so the idea that we have no choice but to allow everyone in the world who shows up at our border and let them into country is utter lunacy. Furthermore, we KNOW why these people are coming! We KNOW the conditions in these countries! There’s no world war going on! The OVERWHELMING majority of these people are NOT coming here with legally legitimate asylum claims! So here’s a question, can a sovereign nation essentially shut down its asylum system when it KNOWS that such system is being abused? The answer would be yes. Think about it. Based on the actions thus far from the Biden administration the answer is to keep allowing millions of people into the US until the conditions in all these other countries is better! Well, how long is that going to take! At the current pace, when you include birth rates, we could easily increase our population by 50 million in just ten years! Then assuming on average, when including healthcare, education, housing, meals, etc., that would come to about a 1 trillion-dollar tax on the US taxpayer! Does international asylum require that a sovereign nation destroy its way of life by absorbing millions and millions of people from all over the world? So, if the US essentially shut down its asylum system, at least temporarily, what would another country do, declare war on us? Here’s something that I found interesting also from the link I posted above that delves into this:

What means does the international community have to punish the US if it breaches international refugee or asylum law?

Well, that is the significant issue with international legal obligations and domestic enforcement of these obligations. International refugee and international human rights law relies heavily on attempting to embarrass or pressure a state to comply with their international legal obligations. This can have some effect on smaller states – for example in Ireland, the UN Human Rights Committee added to the chorus of activist agitation for seeking to change misogynistic laws on abortion.

However, a country as powerful as the US can easily set aside international legal obligations to which they had previously adhered. So I would be surprised to see any “punishment” from the international community. If the international community is genuinely outraged by this decision, other countries need to start planning to increase their own refugee resettlement programmes, along with ensuring safe, legal and accessible routes of entry for those seeking sanctuary.

Or any other geographically closer country that offers asylum! I found this to be a very good discussion (when Trump was president) on better ways to handle what’s happening on the border:

The administration is working on a plan to manage “remain in Mexico” as a strategy. It’s unclear whether a formal waiting list is part of the plan, but it probably should be. But whether it is or not, while progressives have panned the administration’s effort to promote a “remain in Mexico” solution, it’s actually the correct solution. It’s good that they are pursuing a deal with Mexico to manage these migrant encampments and work out safe residence for them.

If this doesn’t work, it will be time for the nuclear option. Congress could to take steps to designate Mexico a “Safe Third Country.” Making this designation happen would mean that no Central American entering the United States over the Mexican border would be eligible for asylum, as they already passed through a “Safe Third Country,” Mexico.

Unilaterally declaring Mexico such a country would probably outrage Mexico (they don’t want to keep all these migrants either), and be something of a stretch. Many parts of Mexico are decidedly not safe. But if we can’t find some way to manage the backlog and return the asylum program to its limited intended use, then it’ll be time to categorically exclude southwest border crossers from asylum eligibility.

If we had a Congress and US president that gave a damm about the US citizen this would probably be the best approach to curtail this situation.


[quote=“bigtwnvin, post:210, topic:242535, full:true”]

Even better!

This from the UK. Guess the Gotham newsies aren’t interested?

Mayor whines about Abbott sending illegals to his sanctuary city yet he ran for office on a law and order platform?
LOL the illegal invaders his idol Ol Folksy Joe invited here are mostly single males who can’t work. Look out NYC, you think things are getting bad now!

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They only believe in open borders so long as the unwashed masses mostly stay in the border states.

Should be 5 destinations every illegal gets sent to. 6 of you want to count turned around as an option.

SoCal, Portland, Seattle, New York, and DC. Pick you destination or go home.


Ah yes… Portland.

Now people are selling their suburban homes because the homeless camps have moved to the 'burbs. What would a few more illegals matter there?

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What the hell?


we must show compassion, the law be damned!

One things for sure, the lib elites don’t want any of these people in their neighborhoods, or in their multimillion dollar homes, and you can be damm sure they don’t their kids or grandkids going to school with them either!

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So let’s make things worse by importanting the poverty and problems into America from all over the rest of the world as well! That will be so good for the suckers, oh I mean the US taxpayers! :rofl:

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