The Trouble with Boys and Men

The statistics:


You said most mothers.

You are confusing the lack of a nuclear family and sounding an awful lot like you are blaming the single mothers.

Taken strictly that is what was posted, yes, but I think in context, he was referring to single/divorced parenting which usually means single/divorced moms.

May be.

I admittedly didn’t phrase things clearly. What I was intending to distinguish was the unmarried single mother who is typically very young and poor, who largely tend to be lousy parents especially with boys. I’m not necessarily blaming them per se, but the reality is that a young poor woman by herself is very likely not going to do a good job of raising a child.


Countless studies and statistics show that kids from single-parent households significantly lag in positive metrics behind kids from intact nuclear families, and outpace them in negative metrics.


He knew what you were saying. We all knew it.

It was just manufactured combativeness.


And yours is what? Belligerent judginess?

Love the mind reading and intention reading by the way. Always like to read your posts to learn what i am thinking and doing

Just pointing out the obvious.

A typical response to a comment that hits too close to home.

I’ll repeat. You knew what he was saying. I have every belief that you’re not that stupid to think it was something else.

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As was i.

The next one is going to be butt hurt. The classics. You keep reusing them

See ya next time. Kisses.

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Yet this very style of interaction between you and other members seems to play out again, and again, no matter the topic.

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It’s not manufactured. We are all combative here.

Oh yeah!!!.. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Well ya got him,
plus kids from the cul-de-sacs pretending to be urban gangstas.

Is that the future American combat soldier?

Yep the cartoon version like when i imagine you guys with beer guts fatigues and a trump bandana :crazy_face:. :grin:

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Is a metro male different then a beta male?

What’s the right amount of tofu to eat?

If one went to college and got an art degree wouldn’t they be morally opposed to working at Hobby Lobby?

I got a bachelors in fine arts with a focus in graphic design and used it to get a job in graphic design (which later turned into a web design/web development job). Though if I’m being honest, all the web development stuff is self taught. Any my parents are divorced and while I did see my dad on weekends he’s a beta male. Yet here I am with a good long career, a wife, and two lovely children.

One of my best friend’s parents were devout Christians and her father was all about guns and the military. She ended up being a transgender female.

Go figure.

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