The Trouble with Boys and Men

Not sure what the standards are now but considering they’ve raised the minimum age requirements? Lloyd Austin’s military likely will be rife with this kind of garbage. Sheesh I hope that chooch gets relieved.

You have quite the imagination.

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Well thank you! Cartoons be like that though :grin:

I know of a girl who got an Art degree from Cornell and works at Hobby Lobby :man_facepalming: :joy:

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You and your best friend are outliers. Nothing is 100% true for everyone but the percentages are high enough to safely generalize. I know someone with a History degree who makes a very good living as a relocation agent for state government.

Then who is to blame?

Absentee [quote=“WuWei, post:68, topic:243599, full:true”]

Then who is to blame?

Absentee dads

Why did they leave?

I could not (authoritatively) answer that. You?

The women. Only the women……

Beta testers, interesting concept. Lib progressives are funny.

Because their father likely left, they have no morality and believe having children out of wedlock and shirking responsibilities is no big deal. It’s a learned behavior. The goobermint provides don’t they?

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I’m sure. :wink:

If an art degree is what one has ability and interest in, give it a try. It wouldn’t hurt to have a backup plan, like maybe some education courses, or accounting courses.

Best guess.

A majority of degree earners may not be working in a field that is their major (seems there is a higher percentage of people work a job that matches their degree) but they do on average earn more.

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to attending college. I think its a great life experience and especially if you can do a University you can learn other topics you may not have otherwise learned about. But its not for everyone.

There’s your problem.

It’s sorting itself out.

No it’s not.

On average a degree earn you more money. Even if we take the median… still higher. Right now that trend has only gone up. Now with very recent trends… maybe the trend changes.

But I doubt that… the highest paying jobs require a lot of skill and a degree. Think engineering, medical

There’s your problem. It’s sorting itself out.

There goes your “on average.”
