The Russia Investigation Is An Organized Coup

You’re simply writing a fan fiction. You’re imagining plots and resolving them with more imagination.

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As I said it, the revealing of Podesta emails was a favour to US democracy

Looking for dirt on the opponent its usual during US electoral campaign.
Just take the conversation of Adam Schiff with a Russian, or Killary even paying for fabricated dirt on Trump (the phony dossier), which came from a Russian agent (direct connection to Kremlin).

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All the congressional probe & emails between the main actors is what is proving it.

I’m ok with him continuing the investigation, as long as a special council made up of only republican attorney’s doing the investigation is also launched into the bunch named in the OP, including Mueller. If it’s OK for only a special council made up of only democrat attorney’s doing that investigation then what is grease for the goose is grease for the gander! Huh?

Who cares…this is just your monthly repeat nonsense crap…


No, this is your monthly false accusation & projection of me. You don’t seem to care to actually debate, you just like to throw turds,

You’ve offered nothing to debate. You’ve written a fictional story.

Criminals are being caught. Donald says he’s got nothing to worry about. So why are you writing stories about a coup?

You didn’t die in Jade Helm. You’ll make it through this one too.


Not only that there is no reason to investigate that matter because the revealing of Podesta emails was a favour to US democracy, exposing the corruption of DNC and rising more questions regarding the US intel agencies, why havent they been able to get the stuff before wikileaks did it, but the investigation is conducted by people with major conflicts of interests, like Mueller and Rosenstein, having a team full of biased prosecutors, who worked and/or donated for Clinton. The loser of the elections investigate the winner based on phony fabricated information. That reeks very much of banana republic…

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Of course you can’t understand.

Have any actual proof Trump colluded? I bet you could cite the Steele dossier! Yea, that’s the ticket!

Hopefully! “Lock her up!” was a campaign promise as well…

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Yes, the real criminal’s are being caught, shown for what they really are. All of them I mentioned in the OP are indeed getting caught. I bet they are all losing a lot of sleep about now!

Tell Rush and Sean to get Fat Donald’s ass in gear to get right on that.


You really need to turn off the Right wing sources you use for your data gathering.

You defeat your argument.

If you are making the case, assumption, that attorneys with possible Democratic political leanings are incapable of an objective work ethic then it is obvious that n all Republican leaning group of attorneys would be equally biased against those named in the OP.

So your argument is just plain stupid.

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Mueller has 6 convictions from this probe so far. You have your imagination.

If Mueller is a republican he’s the republican that hired 12 democrat attorney’s to overthrow an election of a republican. He’s whatever the direction of the wind is blowing. He hates Trump for not putting him back in his old job he begged for. He’s getting revenge.

Start placing bets on this type of wacky nonsense explaining away the democrats winning the house in November.

Don’t try to reason with it, or argue in it. Just feel good that you are not it.

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What is your factual source for the 12 Democrat line? Trumps tweet?

Any proof yet of Trump collusion?

I didn’t think so.

You’re imagining all this. So why not imagine that Mueller fully exonerates Donald himself?

Right. So then why are you freaking out? Again, why aren’t you going this nutty about how we all can’t see that Mueller is about to exonerate Trump?

Sigh… have you been living under a rock? All of them are on record. ALL of them.

There is no “if”.

He hired the attorneys he felt would be the best for the job.

That idea he did anything he has done to overthrow the Trump election is just plain stupid.

It is only deserving of being called what it deserves to be called, STUPID.