The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

I don’t know what you mean by PVCs, but she told me the irregular heartbeat was of the type that did not cause her concern. Although, it is not her heart so …

My heart rate (which was … and is again … normally ~75) was recorded by an attending nurse as low as 36 bpm. It was under 50 for more than two years. My blood pressure remained about the same (~ 80/140) throughout the episode.

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Same here - was called a PVC.

Ok, so it depends on what you get. Whooping cough is an infection, not a virus as far as I know. I know the younger you are with chickenpox, the less severe it is. I don’t know if that holds true for all viruses. But age isn’t going to matter with a bacterial infection.

That’s a pipe.


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I was just kidding. My wife has had them since back as far as when we were dating if I understand you correctly. If you took that thing to listen to the heart, you could actually hear it. I’m pretty sure it’s under control now. It has been so long. I’ll have to ask her about it.

I still have them now and then. Seems like just something you have…sometimes when I’m anxious or having trouble sleeping, I can feel them.

Strange, but no big deal.

Actually what she has is mitral valve prolapse. She takes toprol for it. I’m probably spelling that wrong. But it’s the short version. It may be different from PVC. But it reminded me of it.

Wow! Not good at all.

When they say that chicken pox is less severe in younger people they are referring to adults vs. children, not children vs. younger children. Having chicken pox as a kid was considered a moderate rite of passage before the vaccine was developed. But if you never had it as a kid and were never vaccinated it can be quite severe in adulthood. It can, for example, cause sterility in men.

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The whole thing is anecdotal. I have looked on-line for reports of those symptoms being connected to the vaccine and found none. But there are thousands of documented cases of the vaccine causing rapid heartbeat, so (in my mind) it’s not out of the question that it could cause slowed rate (and PVC as well) too. I could have another booster and see if it returns, which would pretty much confirmed that that was the cause, but I am not going to. I’m done with Covid.


The timing for the Covid-19 vaccine was a bit off this season, Plescia said. The latest shot was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in mid-September, when Covid-19 hospitalizations had already been on the rise for months.

“One of the problems with the Covid vaccine is that it came out kind of late in the process,” he said. “If we had the vaccine approved and available earlier — maybe in the summer — that gives people a little bit longer to become familiar with and take advantage of the recommendations. That might make a difference.”

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Connection to face diaper and Communist doctrine confirmed in Australia.

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That reminds me … Saw another idiot yesterday driving alone in her SUV wearing a face diaper. Seriously, when are those people going to wake up and realize what fools they are?


Uber driver maybe?

Nope … A young woman driving her private vehicle.

You will still have your oddballs that wear a mask the second they walk out of their front door. When I went to NYC two years ago just about everyone walking outside was wearing a mask. Even people riding scooters. I even checked to see if the dogs were wearing them. They weren’t. But it would not have surprised me.

Not that I care what they were doing, but how would you know they weren’t an Uber?

Uber drivers drive their own private vehicles, don’t they?

Ironically, on my lunch walk, I saw someone alone and masked too…

Who knows…

Well, I say this all the time…where you are really affects your covid response.

NYC was utterly ■■■■■■ early on, so it makes sense that they took mitigation seriously.

Nobody uses Ubers around here … Well, almost nobody.

Besides … She was alone in the car. Who was she protecting?

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