The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

And yet perversely there is also forces at work discrediting the vaccines that Trump helped develop, and these forces tend to be the same people endorsing IV. and Hyd., and generally are Trump supporters.

Hard to figure…

I don’t think a Hannity board poster knows better than the medical professional behind the letter. Even applying what you posted, the math confirms his conclusion.

Leonardo Furlan, Ph.D.
University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Trump got them to the frontline ASAP. That was his contribution. The studies done prior were minimal. I took the Pfizer vaccine in part based on the information they provided saying it had a 95% efficacy rate. Now…was that true, an honest mistake or was it a lie?

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brought to you by the same people who told you studies said masks were effective.

“science” is broken


But the study he referenced, conducted by medical professionals, concluded the opposite of his letter.

So now what?

It was 95% effective against infection against the original strain.

Unfortunately, the virus mutated.

Fortunately, it’s still highly effective against death, particularly if you boost it annually.

But isn’t it perverse that the same people that think IV. and Hyd. are ignored because trump mentioned them are (generally) the same ones who claim the Trump enabled vaccine is bunk?

The studies on masks against covid - which, you know, had to happen in real time - concluded N95 masks are pretty effective against transmissions, and other masks are only slightly effective.

You’re mad that no one knew the particulars against a brand new virus?

no they didn’t.

They found that cloth masks were not effective at all and that surgical masks were only 11% effective and that is providing they are used right (which means change it every time you touch it). Given subsequent studies the 11% was being generous.


I don’t know what study you are referring to.

But here you go:

and the study:

the write up is putting lipstick on a pig. This is the study that showed surgical masks, when worn properly, were 11% effective. They are trying to say that 11% is meaningful. It’s not, particularly because no-one wears masks properly.

I also notice that your article fails to mention the results for cloth masks, which were negligeable. In fact, the raw numbers were worse but not outside PER


I’m 57. I agree. I don’t want that crap. But I’ve never made a habit of getting vaccines. Besides when I was little and getting what the school gave you, I got two vaccines. The Covid one. And that one flu vaccine about a decade or two ago that was in short supply. Remember that one? They were just giving them to older people or people that needed it most. I got it because we had a nurse in the family, and she supplied her family. But other than that, I’ve never suffered for a lack of vaccine.

I’ll ask my doctor about it. Because I think it’s fairly obvious I had to have had chickenpox.

…and that is absolute bull ■■■■ !


Remember how anyone who even suggested the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid was vilified by the Left (with the support of the Media) as right-wing loonies?


I don’t think that’s true. I came very close to dying of Whooping Cough when I was under one year old (according to my Mom.) Not being able to remember much about having measles, mumps and chicken pox because you were very young, does not mean you were not very sick. And hardly anyone I know has clear memories from before they were five.

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The Pfizer vaccine and boosters gave me an irregular heartbeat and dropped my pulse to under 50. Fortunately, eight months or so after my last booster, it all returned to normal. No more boosters for me.

Incidentally, my only confirmed case of Covid came less than two months after my last booster. Good thing I got it, huh.

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That’s where you are wrong. They knew at the time that the simple paper and cloth masks being encouraged were ineffective at everything to do with transmission or reception of the virus except to limit the range of virus bearing microdroplets of spittle coming out of the mouths and noses of infected people. It says so right on the packaging.

Remember Fauci showing up for a news conference one day wearing two masks? He knew …

Fauci demonstrating the proper wearing of a mask … :wink:


I’m glad it leveled itself out. Did your doctor think it was caused by your booster?

She wouldn’t speculate. But she agreed that the coincidence was too strong to say it wasn’t.

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Was the irregular heartbeat PVCs? I had to deal with them - still do a little bit. Super freaky and scary, but my doc was like ‘they aren’t a big deal’. Freak me out though.

Mine were caused by - get this - stopping caffeine after evidently being addicted to it. So strange.

I’ve never heard of the vaccines being linked to a lower heart rate, but who knows…

Heart ■■■■ is scary.