The 'Rona Truth in One Thread

I think most ubers used to just leave their mask on all day. but who knows.

I suppose that might be an Uber policy. But itā€™s still stupid.

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It canā€™t be an Uber policy to keep your mask on all day. How would they know if you did or didnā€™t? Maybe they were about to pick someone up.

They had that policy where I work. Iā€™m on a midnight shift where I could see 3-5 cars in a 4 hour period. Do you think I have my mask on the entire time? Itā€™s because of Covid I went to the midnight shift. No freaking way Iā€™m wearing that mask the entire shift.

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Iā€™ve never been more proudā€¦

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I saw this as it was happening.

The truth is finally being recognized. It was just like the flu after all.

ā€œFrom the available evidence, it is difficult to identify the specific responses to the pandemic that led to better outcomes,ā€ they write. ā€œCountries clearly responded to the challenges in very different ways, from essentially no school closures (Sweden) to multiple years of closures (Uganda and Indonesia). Yet, simple statistics such as the length of school closures or overall health policies cannot explain much of the variance in outcomes.ā€

Lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passportsā€¦none of it mattered, nor does it explain the variance in outcomes between countries. Why? The obvious answer is that none of these policies had the slightest chance of preventing transmission of a highly infectious respiratory virus.

Instead, the likely explanation for variance in outcomes comes down to differences in accounting for Covid cases and deaths, underlying health and age demographics, or pre-existing immunity from exposure to similar coronaviruses, which was almost certainly the reason why countries in Asia performed much better than Western countries during the early part of the pandemic, but was conveniently ignored in favor of ā€œexpertsā€ maintaining the wishful thinking that ā€œmask cultureā€ was responsible.

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ā€œFauciā€™s failuresā€? The ass created it and then sent it to Wuhan. He should be prosecuted for the murder of millions due to his conclusion, ā€œthe knowledge gained exceeded the risk of it escaping from a labā€.

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The economic numbers are staggering.

Just look at the continued loss of work community as people work from home on computers and pretend they get more done. They do not.

Working from home is a productivity loss also. Traffic hasnā€™t decreased either. People at home can drive here there and anywhere any time they want and then tell the boss they are more productive while doing a half assed impersonal job.

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Youā€™re probably spot on about the traffic. Iā€™m a toll collector after all. Iā€™m seeing more traffic post pandemic. Iā€™m getting almost double the vehicles in the winter. People on the day and afternoon shift are getting 400-600 tickets. Sometimes more. We havenā€™t seen that since 2010.


Makes sense when you commute the vehicle stays put during the work day.

I experience this odd anomaly where the building I work in is only 60% occupied and yet the commute traffic is identical to pre-coronavirus levels.

Makes perfect sense. Weekends always saw more traffic than during the week. Yet weekends are when most people are off. Now weekend traffic is starting to bleed into the weekdays.


Those are parasites for sure!

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ā€¦and this is also creating an economic disaster getting ready to happen due to the collapse of commercial real estate loans with major banks.

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