The right wins in Italy

Was there nationalism in Europe before there was ever fascism?
Are countries that want to control their borders and vet and limit the number of immigrants by definition fascists?
It seems that it no longer takes the control of social and economic life by a strong government dictatorship to be fascists. It no longer takes an aggressive foreign policy. Opposition to the tenets of open borders, CRT and not trying to destroy a national identity that goes back thousands of years is sufficient.

Yes just ask the jews…

I mean forgetting for a second that the Italian “national identity” which is a laughable misnomer anyway as this was a nation of city-states for centuries, and forgetting for a second that this rise in immigration has nothign to do with the destruction of whatever national identity actually means, may be don’t look at european politics through an americo centric prism? May be start there and lets go from there.

And, America is a collection of separate states, does that mean we don’t have a collective national identity?

You have some evidence she is opposed to Jews? Please provide that. That might make all the difference.
As for looking at what sort of national identity they may feel, I’m perfectly happy to leave that to the Italians.

Irony…quite a few Jewish people take pride in their ethnic identity. Some do. Others not so much. I consider that their business.

And the White House is a house, does that mean we can’t live there?

You want to try again?

No that was an answer to your question of nationalism predating fascism.

As to their National identity we are not discussing our intervention in Italian politics. We are discussing Italian politics.

Frankly, your metric seems to say nationalism=fascism. Why not just accuse her of nationalism?
Fascism sounds better because of the history of WW II and the fact that we fought against fascism. But we were pretty nationalist while we were doing it, weren’t we?
No, you are missing the whole thing about aggressive expansionist policies, militarism, control of society and the economy by the dictatorship.


Hey, you are the one that brought up “City States” in Italy.

You must get dizzy spinning the way you do.

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Ultranationalism is fascism. The line between nationalism and Ultranationalism is rather thin. The line between patriotism and nationalism is much thicker.

And you just confused patriotism with nationalism. You guys are doing it subconsciously because of how social media has been dressing up nationalism.

They are different things. “I am a nationalist” was even a thread here and the op had to change his mind about the moniker and wearing it

I would read ultranationalist as including an aggressive, expansionist policy that used a strong military to enforce its policies…sort of like the USA during the period often called manifest destiny.
No, ultra nationalism does not equal fascism, though that is one aspect. You are missing the strong central government that tries to control every aspect of daily life. And the dictatorial nature of that government.

That’s fine. I realize the left loves to play with the name fascism just as some on the right like to misuse communism.

Netflix is producing Mussolini documentaries as we speak because of this historical moment in time. :roll_eyes:

I don’t even get what the coincidence is supposed to be. That Mussolini ruled Italy from the 1920s until the 1940s and she won the election in Italy? That is supposed to be some sort of coincidence?

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The mainstream media has been labelling her as “far right” so this is the parallel they are trying to draw for the masses. Same as when the left tried to compare Trump to Hitler. It’s stupid, but shows the regard they have for their consumers.


The Media labels every conservative to the right of Liz Cheney as, “Far Right.”


The term fascist is thrown around too glibly today by both sides.

The Brothers of Liberty are right wing but their policies are not anti-democracy. The party in its current state cannot be considered a fascist party but there are fascist elements within the party.

Giorgia Meloni is from what I can see not one of those fascist elements but she has said some questionable things in the past.

Italians are notoriously fickle when it comes to politics. The Brothers of Liberty have had impressive gains over the last few years but we have to remember its still a coalition government she is forming. i would not be surprised to see her party lose its leadership of the coalition in a few years.


They love electing new comers thinking may be this time they can turn the country around. It’s a fascinating view of politicians

Exactly. Quite a conundrum for the antiwar leftists (do they still exist?) to have to support a devout neocon like Cheney. Hopefully the “far right” new leadership in Europe will shun the war machine the same as Trump. Maybe the media will start labelling them “selfish” for not wanting wars to make the world a better place.

And the Globalists richer.

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A city state isn’t the same thing as a state here. Not even close. That you compared the two is ludicrous so i wanted to give you a chance to make a correction. That’s ok though.

I think this is the nail on the head. Brothers of Italy (not liberty) is descended from a bona fide fascist party. And, in European Politics, they are far right.

We will need to accumulate some history of their governance before we can determine if they are truly fascist. BUT, given that they will govern in a coalition, we still might not see their pure essence.