The right wins in Italy

Family, religion, culture, etc…

Yep, I can see why a loony leftist would label her bad things, though I disagree with the sheer envy of those nobodies.

Following the tenets of fascism. Ultranationalism, control of immigrant minorities, etc etc etc.

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Your implication was the same as asking someone, “have you stopped beating your wife?”

The question itself is an underhanded accusation.

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Allegation requires proof. Thanks for understanding my point.

And yes it’s underhanded. Just like every dem politician is a socialist or communist….


Gee, can I take this quote out of context and claim this is your opinion? That’s what Democrats do to us.


You guys still haven’t gotten over “you didn’t build that” but sure that’s what democrats do to you.

Flashback to 2015

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His meaning wasn’t ambiguous, his meaning was fully understood.
Honestly, I like the 57 States gaff batter, along with twice calling his wife “Michael.” Oh my.

Those were a lousy manipulative couple of opening posts to sully the victory of the Italian traditionalist.

Sad and contemptable.

Congratulations to Italy and the new PM!!


Are you here to simply rhetorically defecate on the victory of an Italian PM or is there a better plan?

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His meaning was taken out of context. And yet here you are playing victim again about what dems do to you.

I am here to ask questions while having possibly already reached a conclusion. But not really. I really don’t know if she is a fascist

Where oh where could have i learnt such a tactic.

I don’t think I took it out of context, his claim was that anyone that was successful didn’t get their by their own efforts but rather used the infrastructure of this country to achieve success.
If that is the case, then why isn’t everyone successful as they also have the same access?

Contradictory, anyway.

But who would know better the added trials of raising a family without a father?

Sometimes the best spokesperson about a problem is one who is mired in it.

What did she say at campaign rallies. “I am Giorgia. I am a woman. I am a mother. I am Italian, I am Christian. You will not take that away from me!”

For this, the Left calls her a fascist.


Actually in further research on Ms. Meloni, she has a “partner”, which really is just a fancy way of saying why would he want the whole cow when he can get the milk for free?

Many of these free milk recipients actually stick around and parent, but it still seems contradictory to claim to support “the traditional family” while being a non spouse and baby mama :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The State, central government and The Collective

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She’s a great Christian as an unwed parent with a “partner”. I find both her I’m a Christian and I’m a supporter of the traditional family claims hypocritical, but then it seems those who wear their identities on their sleeves are the worst practitioners of their claims.

That said, she was voted in by a majority of the Italian voters, and she deserves the chance to lead and see can she live up to any promises to improve Italy.

Given what we have in our own government that calls themselves “Christian,” I’d say cutting her a little slack would be in order.

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Very well said.

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