The question this election is do we allow the coastal elites

Too funny…some are actually proving my point with elitist attitude.

I believe American people will see em for what they are.

Conan proudly declared in '16 that he was voting for Trump for “nefarious reasons”. Now he thinks other people may vote for someone not of his liking for the same reasons, and he is crying over his spilled milk about it. Yes, libs, Conan does have a problem with that.


“But, of course, the US population is not evenly distributed among the states. This map distorts the sizes of the states to reflect their varying populations.”

“Counties themselves aren’t uniformly blue or red. Looking at a color gradient using varying shades of purple, we can see that most counties had a tight split between Republican and Democratic voters, although a few islands of deep red and blue still remain.”


Many are just unhinged and rambling. Only some can put together actual thoughts, and those that do reveal more about their motivations than they realize, maybe because they don’t understand their own motivations themselves.

I think it’s fundamental to understand the Trump supporter if we are ever going to be able to prevent another demagogue from attaining the same level of power.

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The question should be “will the election reflect the will of the people. And it will.

“Coastal elites,” LOL.



Cognitive dissonance on full display

Jesus! All that gold colored crap is hurting my eyes. Kinda reminds me of a certain crowd who love the same type of surroundings.

Conan, thanks for the laugh of the day. Trump is the epitome of “coastal elites”, genius.

Well then since Trump is one of em…he should have your vote. :wink:

…looks a lot like a population map.

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And look at Snobsville along that NE coast and San Fransisco and Hollywierd.

Is it a coincidence that places where people actually live tend to be blue?

I don’t vote for con-artists.

Is it because people are better controlled in tight spaces/cages?

But it’s fascinating that he has YOUR vote. What does that make you?

Says Obama supporter.


I’d say it’s more likely the other way around.

I hired Trump to do one specific job…bust up and expose the democrats.

It’s a good thing these threads are around to remind us that the Trump supporters are so much better than the rest of the elitist snobs.

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