The problem with the democrats unhealthy obsession with race

And is that because they are black? Or is that due to economic / sociological conditions?

Nope. I always ask my real question. You will never have to worry. So let me ask you something.

People know that 99 percent their friends, co-workers, neighbors, family couldn’t care less about race. Society in general is over it. Yes we have a few misfits, but you live in the real world. You know it’s true. The democrats are spinning this tale in an attempt to make everybody believe that Republicans are out to get them and Jim Crow is alive and well. Do you think this tactic is working? Do you think that people are still falling for this paranoia? Or has this nonsense played out and the dems haven’t realized it yet?


Not true. And this is just another prime example of why most blacks don’t vote republican because of attitudes like this.


Race is the number one issue for minority voters.


This makes for a great radio segment, but isn’t how the real operates.

How has democratic criminal reform worked in Chicago so far?

Race is the single most important issue for minorities, because they are in fact minorities.

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What metric are you asking for? Sentencing? Fairness? # of arrests?

have you ever been to Chicago, maybe we should ask the people living there if it has benefited them.

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That means nothing. Unless you are clear regarding what adaptational laws need to be passed. What are we supposed to do with that? What are the racial items they want from the dems and why have the dems failed to deliver?

Here’s one chart showing how much inmate populations in Illinois have gone down over the past 7 years


go to their communities and ask them what laws and policies they want.
the black community is very vocal about this subject.

they vote for the democrat because the democrat at lest show up and listen to them.

Here’s what Chicago Police have been doing for reforms, according to their site

Any. Pick your best result. I’m asking for your favorite. What can the democratic party be proud of in Chicago? Or anywhere else in this century? What was is their signature racial accomplishment?

Just posted above. Google is easy. Try harder. With the internet, you can answer your own questions.

Training doesn’t equal results. Results equal results.

what is the Republican GOP plan to fix Chicago and other issue effecting the black community.

Would the democrats who run these areas accept a republican plan? This has to be solved by the people in charge. The one’s with a record of decades of failure.

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Training is the first step in criminal justice reform, with regards to police behavior. What, we shouldn’t train our police better? :laughing:

I also notice you ignored my incarceration chart

Why would you even bring up Chicago or other inner cities if you have no plan to fix the issue themselves, Why should those people living in those communities vote for Republicans.

Your offering them no solutions, the Democrat are offering solutions maybe a bad solutions but its better then nothing.