The problem with the democrats unhealthy obsession with race

Generally you’re gonna cater to your super voters in battleground states, the ones who are guaranteed to pull the lever, and for Democrats black folks over 35, especially black women over 35, are one of those demographics.

Hell, the reason that Biden is the nominee and Sanders isn’t is black women in South Carolina.

Someone from the right making a thread about Democrats obsession with race while they make a thread obsessing about race… LOL


Because I don’t get paid to “fix the issue.” I’m a citizen. My job is to complain about politicians who ignore the issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

Cool. Your opinion of me is noted. What do you think about the democratic party’s obsession with race? A good idea? Or is it played out?

The contents of that post are ignorant.

In that case, we’ll just have a friendly conversation.

What do you think about the democratic party’s obsession with race? A good idea? Or is it played out?

Do you think it’s racial? Or do crime rates typically go down when unemployment decreases?

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They show up, they listen. Go back to their mansions and do nothing. Rinse, repeat.

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which is one step more then Republican.

[quote=“CanadianJudo, post:95, topic:231476, full:true”]

Exactly! Thank you for finally agreeing with me. In my original post, I mentioned that the democratic racial platform was all talk. I did not expect you to agree. :relaxed:

Yes there is a correlation between crime and economic struggle which is why it’s important we work on helping poor communities and at risk children integrate into the economy. Not just blacks, but statistics show they would get much of the benefit compared to other groups that didn’t have centuries and decades of discrimination and segregation to make up for

False, as this thread has shown.

Why even engage with such a stupid simpleton question “why ain’t Democrats turned off racism yet derrrrrrp”. Waste of time.

Good question. I guess because it’s just so easy. Free money almost

No solutions, only talk. Oh and vote harvesting. :wink:

So basically quotas and more big government spending on programs that have never worked and that have no chance of working in the future.

Feel good programs, designed to get out the black vote for DEM candidates.

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Indoctrination of black youth since they were born. Very powerful tool.

So basically quotas.

We already know the answer to that. Blacks vote Republican at their own peril. Biden was very clear about that.